List Brodsky
Here it is - the famous "Brodsky List».
Literature, required reading (just so you have something to talk).
"Bhagavad Gita»;
"The Old Testament»;
Homer. "Iliad", "Odyssey»;
Herodotus. "History»;
Sophocles. Plays;
Aeschylus. Plays;
Euripides. Plays: "Hippolytus", "The Bacchae," "Elektra," "Phoenician»:
Thucydides. "History of the Peloponnesian War»;
Plato. "Dialogues»;
Aristotle. "Poetics", "Physics", "ethics", "On the Soul»;
Alexandrian poetry;
Lucretius. "On the Nature of Things»;
Plutarch. "Lives»;
Virgil. "Aeneid", "Bucolics", "Georgics»;
Tacitus. "Annals»;
Ovid. "Metamorphosis", "Heroides", "Science of Love»;
The New Testament;
Suetonius. "Lives of the Twelve Caesars»;
Marcus Aurelius;
Elian. "Checkered history", "On the Nature of Animals»;
Apollodorus. "Argonautica»;
Psell. "The Biography of the rulers of Byzantium»;
Gibbon. "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire»;
Dams. "Ennead»;
Eusebius. "Ecclesiastical History»;
Boethius. "On the Consolation of Philosophy»;
Pliny the Younger. "Letters»;
Byzantine poetic novels;
Heraclitus. "Fragments»;
Augustine. «Confessions»;
Thomas Aquinas. «Summa Theolo qica»;
St. Francis. «Flowers»;
Niccolo Machiavelli. "Sovereign»;
Dante. "The Divine Comedy»;
Franco Saket. Novels;
Icelandic sagas;
Shakespeare. "Antony and Cleopatra", "Hamlet", "Macbeth," "Henry V»;
Martin Luther;
Montaigne. "Experiments»;
Cervantes. "Don Quixote»;
"The Song of Roland»;
Benvenuto Cellini;
Henry Adams. "Education of Henry Adams»;
Hobbes. "Leviathan»;
Pascal. "Thoughts»;
Milton. "Paradise Lost»;
John Donne, Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, Richard Crawshaw;
Spinoza. "Treatises»;
Stendhal. "The Charterhouse of Parma", "Red and Black", "Life of Henri Brulard»;
Swift. "Gulliver's Travels»;
Laurence Sterne. "Tristram Shandy»;
Choderlos de Laclos. "Dangerous Liaisons»;
Montesquieu. "Persian Letters»;
Locke. "Second Treatise of Government»;
Adam Smith. "The wealth of nations»;
Texts Federalists;
Kant. "Critique of Pure Reason»;
Kierkegaard. "Fear and Trembling", "either-or", "Philosophical Fragments»;
Dostoevsky. "Notes from the Underground", "Demons»;
Goethe. "Faust", "Italian Journey»;
Tocqueville. "Democracy in America»;
De Custine. "Journey to the present day (the king of the Empire)»;
Eric Auerbach. "Mimesis»;
Prescott. "The Labyrinth of Solitude»;
Karl Popper. "Logic of Scientific Discovery", "The Open Society and Its Enemies»;
Elias Canetti. "The crowd and the power».
Poetry, Recommended Reading
English / American: Robert Frost, Thomas Hardy, William Butler Yeats, TS Eliot, W. H. Auden, Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop.
German Rainer Maria Rilke, Georg Trakl, Peter Huchel, Ingeborg Bachmann, Gottfried Benn.
Spanish: Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca, Luis Cernuda, Rafael Alberti, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Octavio Paz.
Polish: Leopold Staff, Czeslaw Milosz, Zbigniew Herbert, Wislawa Szymborska.
French: Guillaume Apollinaire, Jules Supervielle, Pierre Reverdy, Blaise Cendrars, Max Jacob, Francis Jammes, Andre Frenot, Paul Eluard, Victor Segalen, Henri Michaux.
Greek: Constantine Cavafy, George Seferis, Yiannis Ritsos.
Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. "Avatar».
Portuguese: Fernando Pessoa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Sweden: Gunnar Ekelöf, Harry Martinson, Werner Aspenstrom, Tumas Transtrёmer.
Russian: Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Vladislav Khodasevich, Viktor Khlebnikov, Nikolai Klyuev, Nikolay Z.
Literature, required reading (just so you have something to talk).

"Bhagavad Gita»;
"The Old Testament»;
Homer. "Iliad", "Odyssey»;
Herodotus. "History»;
Sophocles. Plays;
Aeschylus. Plays;
Euripides. Plays: "Hippolytus", "The Bacchae," "Elektra," "Phoenician»:
Thucydides. "History of the Peloponnesian War»;
Plato. "Dialogues»;
Aristotle. "Poetics", "Physics", "ethics", "On the Soul»;
Alexandrian poetry;
Lucretius. "On the Nature of Things»;
Plutarch. "Lives»;
Virgil. "Aeneid", "Bucolics", "Georgics»;
Tacitus. "Annals»;
Ovid. "Metamorphosis", "Heroides", "Science of Love»;
The New Testament;
Suetonius. "Lives of the Twelve Caesars»;
Marcus Aurelius;
Elian. "Checkered history", "On the Nature of Animals»;
Apollodorus. "Argonautica»;
Psell. "The Biography of the rulers of Byzantium»;
Gibbon. "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire»;
Dams. "Ennead»;
Eusebius. "Ecclesiastical History»;
Boethius. "On the Consolation of Philosophy»;
Pliny the Younger. "Letters»;
Byzantine poetic novels;
Heraclitus. "Fragments»;
Augustine. «Confessions»;
Thomas Aquinas. «Summa Theolo qica»;
St. Francis. «Flowers»;
Niccolo Machiavelli. "Sovereign»;
Dante. "The Divine Comedy»;
Franco Saket. Novels;
Icelandic sagas;
Shakespeare. "Antony and Cleopatra", "Hamlet", "Macbeth," "Henry V»;
Martin Luther;
Montaigne. "Experiments»;
Cervantes. "Don Quixote»;
"The Song of Roland»;
Benvenuto Cellini;
Henry Adams. "Education of Henry Adams»;
Hobbes. "Leviathan»;
Pascal. "Thoughts»;
Milton. "Paradise Lost»;
John Donne, Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, Richard Crawshaw;
Spinoza. "Treatises»;
Stendhal. "The Charterhouse of Parma", "Red and Black", "Life of Henri Brulard»;
Swift. "Gulliver's Travels»;
Laurence Sterne. "Tristram Shandy»;
Choderlos de Laclos. "Dangerous Liaisons»;
Montesquieu. "Persian Letters»;
Locke. "Second Treatise of Government»;
Adam Smith. "The wealth of nations»;
Texts Federalists;
Kant. "Critique of Pure Reason»;
Kierkegaard. "Fear and Trembling", "either-or", "Philosophical Fragments»;
Dostoevsky. "Notes from the Underground", "Demons»;
Goethe. "Faust", "Italian Journey»;
Tocqueville. "Democracy in America»;
De Custine. "Journey to the present day (the king of the Empire)»;
Eric Auerbach. "Mimesis»;
Prescott. "The Labyrinth of Solitude»;
Karl Popper. "Logic of Scientific Discovery", "The Open Society and Its Enemies»;
Elias Canetti. "The crowd and the power».
Poetry, Recommended Reading
English / American: Robert Frost, Thomas Hardy, William Butler Yeats, TS Eliot, W. H. Auden, Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop.
German Rainer Maria Rilke, Georg Trakl, Peter Huchel, Ingeborg Bachmann, Gottfried Benn.
Spanish: Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca, Luis Cernuda, Rafael Alberti, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Octavio Paz.
Polish: Leopold Staff, Czeslaw Milosz, Zbigniew Herbert, Wislawa Szymborska.
French: Guillaume Apollinaire, Jules Supervielle, Pierre Reverdy, Blaise Cendrars, Max Jacob, Francis Jammes, Andre Frenot, Paul Eluard, Victor Segalen, Henri Michaux.
Greek: Constantine Cavafy, George Seferis, Yiannis Ritsos.
Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. "Avatar».
Portuguese: Fernando Pessoa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Sweden: Gunnar Ekelöf, Harry Martinson, Werner Aspenstrom, Tumas Transtrёmer.
Russian: Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Vladislav Khodasevich, Viktor Khlebnikov, Nikolai Klyuev, Nikolay Z.