Ask forgiveness from shoes

I've heard of Lin-chi, Zen teacher. One day he was sitting in his hut, and someone came to him. That man was very angry. Maybe he quarreled with his wife or his master or was something else, but he was in a rage. He opened the door in anger, in anger threw his shoes, then went very respectful and bowed low to Lin Chi.
Lin-chi said:
- First of all, go and apologize to the door and shoes.
A person must be a very strange look Lin-chi. There were other people who started to laugh. Lin-chi said:
- Stop!
Then he said to the man:
- If you do not, leave me alone. I will not have anything to do with you.
The man said:
- It looks like madness - apologize to the shoes and at the door.
Lin-chi said:
- There was madness, when you express anger. Will this madness now? Everything is consciousness. Therefore go, and if the door will not forgive you, I do not let you enter.
People felt uncomfortable, but had to go. Later, he became a monk and became enlightened. When he became enlightened, he told this story and said:
"When I stood at the door and asked for forgiveness, I felt awkward, stupid. But then I thought that if Lin Chi says so, then this is something to be. I trusted Lin-chi, so I thought that, even though it's silly, but do not. At first, all I said the door was only superficially, artificially; but little by little it became warmer. And Lin Chi waited, he said he would watch. If the door will forgive me, but then I can enter; otherwise I had to stand up until not manage to convince the door and shoes to forgive me. Little by little, I warmed up. I forgot that I was watching a lot of people. I forgot about the Lin-chi - and then this activity was sincere and real. I began to feel as at the door and shoes mood changes. And in that moment I realized that the door and shoes changed, they felt happy, Lin Chi immediately said that I could enter. I was forgiven ».
The incident became a transformative event in his life, since the first time he realized that everything, in fact, is the crystallization of consciousness. If you do not see this, then only because blind. If you do not hear it, then only because deaf. There is nothing in the material things that surround us; all this - fused consciousness. The problem is you do not you are open and sensitive.
< Osho