Opinions programmer
Opinion: to call ordinary college graduates, especially programmers inappropriate - and may lose the profession. In the Belarusian army will not be radical reforms, say officials from the Ministry of Defence. But public debate continues. The newspaper "SB" publishes opinion programmer who talks about conscription specialists with higher education.
... Recently, in the military learned that, it turns out, when you make a military identification card in connection with unfit for military service in time of peace (poor eyesight) I put military occupational specialties in accordance with the form. Qualifications I have a diploma in accordance with a very useful, if not military: information security specialists. Therefore, immediately decided: similar work may be required in the army, as announced and girl fill documents.
But the answer was: the most that I can offer, - computer operator, in simple terms, the level of normal typist. Of course, this is all the formalities, but runs into some thoughts.
Thirty years ago, when the institute was finishing my father, a military department was mandatory for all, and no health problems could not prevent pass through it (even his father's vision, which today would have written off forever from the list of suitable). Post graduate with a diploma were awarded lieutenant shoulder straps, and he could easily move up the career ladder, without fear that his two-year pulled out of life. Military departments in universities have survived. However, there was an optional entry.
There is a selection of health. And therein lies the first trap. Some of my friends in my second year, submitting documents to the military department, were not there because of ill health, but after studying for five years, learned Criteria life had changed. Thus, people who at one time wanted to get military specialty and rank, but they could not have had to go to serve the soldiers. Yes, after graduation, most of the young people faced with the need to give back to the motherland. Of St duty of every citizen. And from this point of view, a young professional with a higher education is no different than eighteen years of graduate school. Yet, when a guy goes into the army at school, get all the benefits. The state is not spent on a contract army, parents can convey education and let matured son in safe hands. Himself inductee gets the opportunity to break away from her mother's skirts, to become independent, formed as a person and to acquire the skills that will be useful to him later in life, perhaps even specialty.
Quite different is the situation when the urge those who have already managed to get a higher education. A man five years taught in the first place to think independently, take initiative, to express their opinions and implement ideas and skills into practice, train leaders capable of taking responsibility. And more often training was conducted for the state money.
And now the young specialist again for taxpayers' money sent to a private in the army to instill in part already acquired and, partly, directly opposite qualities. The outcome of such a multi-directional movement rarely be called a success. For any modern specialist to break away from the profession for a year means to keep up with the progress that is rapidly changing world around. Plus, the lost skills, which have not yet properly formed. Usually, on his return from the army to the young man had to learn all over again. Most clearly seen in the programming - and here it is possible to lose a trade. As a result, public money is wasted ...
It is obvious: to call university graduates as ordinary inappropriate, but at the same time to completely release them from military service would be a serious blow to the country's defense. Qualified professionals army needs. In some ways an example out of this situation shows Russia: last summer, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the creation of special scientific mouth (popularly called "programming" that is not entirely correct), in which, according to him, has already been observed at the level of competition the best universities. Such formation exist in the Israeli army, and the idea is not new. Half a century ago science fiction writer Robert Heinlein in his book "Starship Troopers" foresaw that the army of the future will be able to provide every place on the basis of his talents and individual characteristics. By the way, this work is included in the training of officers of the US Army.
... Recently, in the military learned that, it turns out, when you make a military identification card in connection with unfit for military service in time of peace (poor eyesight) I put military occupational specialties in accordance with the form. Qualifications I have a diploma in accordance with a very useful, if not military: information security specialists. Therefore, immediately decided: similar work may be required in the army, as announced and girl fill documents.

But the answer was: the most that I can offer, - computer operator, in simple terms, the level of normal typist. Of course, this is all the formalities, but runs into some thoughts.
Thirty years ago, when the institute was finishing my father, a military department was mandatory for all, and no health problems could not prevent pass through it (even his father's vision, which today would have written off forever from the list of suitable). Post graduate with a diploma were awarded lieutenant shoulder straps, and he could easily move up the career ladder, without fear that his two-year pulled out of life. Military departments in universities have survived. However, there was an optional entry.
There is a selection of health. And therein lies the first trap. Some of my friends in my second year, submitting documents to the military department, were not there because of ill health, but after studying for five years, learned Criteria life had changed. Thus, people who at one time wanted to get military specialty and rank, but they could not have had to go to serve the soldiers. Yes, after graduation, most of the young people faced with the need to give back to the motherland. Of St duty of every citizen. And from this point of view, a young professional with a higher education is no different than eighteen years of graduate school. Yet, when a guy goes into the army at school, get all the benefits. The state is not spent on a contract army, parents can convey education and let matured son in safe hands. Himself inductee gets the opportunity to break away from her mother's skirts, to become independent, formed as a person and to acquire the skills that will be useful to him later in life, perhaps even specialty.
Quite different is the situation when the urge those who have already managed to get a higher education. A man five years taught in the first place to think independently, take initiative, to express their opinions and implement ideas and skills into practice, train leaders capable of taking responsibility. And more often training was conducted for the state money.
And now the young specialist again for taxpayers' money sent to a private in the army to instill in part already acquired and, partly, directly opposite qualities. The outcome of such a multi-directional movement rarely be called a success. For any modern specialist to break away from the profession for a year means to keep up with the progress that is rapidly changing world around. Plus, the lost skills, which have not yet properly formed. Usually, on his return from the army to the young man had to learn all over again. Most clearly seen in the programming - and here it is possible to lose a trade. As a result, public money is wasted ...
It is obvious: to call university graduates as ordinary inappropriate, but at the same time to completely release them from military service would be a serious blow to the country's defense. Qualified professionals army needs. In some ways an example out of this situation shows Russia: last summer, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the creation of special scientific mouth (popularly called "programming" that is not entirely correct), in which, according to him, has already been observed at the level of competition the best universities. Such formation exist in the Israeli army, and the idea is not new. Half a century ago science fiction writer Robert Heinlein in his book "Starship Troopers" foresaw that the army of the future will be able to provide every place on the basis of his talents and individual characteristics. By the way, this work is included in the training of officers of the US Army.