How to effectively motivate yourself to action.

Excellent ability to get yourself to tear ass on the chair, and to finally get down to business. but said just loud remark: "I now go and prepare dinner / Press 40 once / read a book on management / replace the outlet / etc», agree, it does not mean that it is this and you prefer. Rather, on the contrary, will continue to grow a paunch in your favorite chair, but if you have already firmly decided that in my own life it is time to change something, and you are missing a bit of self-motivation - then this article is for you!
So, let us take a typical example - you need to perform an action (assuming - at least twice a week for a morning jog), but it is the desire to perform the action no. Even there, is not it. Wish you have, and the brain, you know that jogging is very beneficial to health, general health and dropping Zhirkov with a beer belly, but ... but the work, fatigue, the desire to sleep for at least half an hour, but more and just do, you do not even have shoes . What to do in such a situation, the ordinary man? That's right - looking for excuses own laziness and solemnly promises all the same to start running, but one day later, when it will have less work / more desire, etc. Not difficult to guess that, as a rule, this "later" never comes.
So, now the most important thing is to put in the beginning of the article the question "how to learn self-motivation," I have for you is, quite ofigititelny answer:
Honestly, I do not know, it really is Lebedev's quote, but, in my opinion, fully reflects the essence of the issue. Do not want to work - remain in the ass and do not worry. And if you do not want to stay, then go and work on yourself! It's so obvious!
And then, I am deeply convinced that no method of self-hypnosis, like visualization of desires, posters achievements or "buttons Dream" does not help to increase motivation, well, except that very briefly, because in fact there is just you, your dreams, and universal laziness. You will be able to overcome laziness - will achieve their goals, can not ... nobody cares, as they say - all of you do not care, and the most savvy and even jump on the bones rejoice, because as long as you do not do a damn thing - they have a chance to climb-up. Competition less Eptyt.
Think about it and stop looking for answers on the Internet at such silly questions. There are things that you need to learn the most, because "self-motivation", she then "-The" that involves your efforts. And there is nothing here to breed demagoguery.
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