The chemical composition of
The use of lard is explained as its composition, and many other factors. If a closer look at the components included in the fat, we see that it contains many essential fatty acids, which include linoleic, palmitic, linolenic acid, oleic acid. In addition, fat is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and carotene, which is perfectly assimilated by the human body.
All this suggests that the composition of the fat close to the composition of vegetable oils, but the benefits of fat, of course, higher. Swine subcutaneous fat contains a very important matter - arachidonic acid. This polyunsaturated fatty acid is contained in our most important organs: the heart, kidneys and brain.
And most importantly, it is not in any vegetable oil. Only lard boasts its content. Therefore, it is considered a unique product.
There is a myth, especially common among women, that fat from fat. With the same confidence we can say that the fattening of any food, if it is too overused. Benefits and harms of fat depends on how much of the product to eat daily.
For the average person, leading a sedentary lifestyle 10-30 g of fat a day will not bring harm, but good add. Calorie fat is high enough. 100 g contains about 770 calories. Therefore, scientists recommend to include this product in the morning diet to charge the body with energy for the whole day.
- A few more tips
Do you want to get away from sclerosis? Make a mixture of honey and onions. A glass of onion juice mix well with a glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for an hour before meals.
Cleanse the liver! Mix 0, 5 kg honey with 0, 5 kg. blackcurrant. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before eating, until the mixture is finished. Then, after a short break again.
If you are plagued by stress, and you live in environmentally disadvantaged areas, to eat daily 50 g sea buckthorn berries or juice to drink 2-3 tbsp. spoon.
Fatigue, malaise, sit back, try to relax. Massage both ears at the same time, pre-heating of a good hand. If you want to cheer, magical point massage clockwise, and if calm, relieve stress - against.

The chemical composition of
The use of lard is explained as its composition, and many other factors. If a closer look at the components included in the fat, we see that it contains many essential fatty acids, which include linoleic, palmitic, linolenic acid, oleic acid. In addition, fat is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and carotene, which is perfectly assimilated by the human body.
All this suggests that the composition of the fat close to the composition of vegetable oils, but the benefits of fat, of course, higher. Swine subcutaneous fat contains a very important matter - arachidonic acid. This polyunsaturated fatty acid is contained in our most important organs: the heart, kidneys and brain.
And most importantly, it is not in any vegetable oil. Only lard boasts its content. Therefore, it is considered a unique product.
There is a myth, especially common among women, that fat from fat. With the same confidence we can say that the fattening of any food, if it is too overused. Benefits and harms of fat depends on how much of the product to eat daily.
For the average person, leading a sedentary lifestyle 10-30 g of fat a day will not bring harm, but good add. Calorie fat is high enough. 100 g contains about 770 calories. Therefore, scientists recommend to include this product in the morning diet to charge the body with energy for the whole day.
- A few more tips
Do you want to get away from sclerosis? Make a mixture of honey and onions. A glass of onion juice mix well with a glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for an hour before meals.
Cleanse the liver! Mix 0, 5 kg honey with 0, 5 kg. blackcurrant. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before eating, until the mixture is finished. Then, after a short break again.
If you are plagued by stress, and you live in environmentally disadvantaged areas, to eat daily 50 g sea buckthorn berries or juice to drink 2-3 tbsp. spoon.
Fatigue, malaise, sit back, try to relax. Massage both ears at the same time, pre-heating of a good hand. If you want to cheer, magical point massage clockwise, and if calm, relieve stress - against.