One Flew Over the methane lakes of Titan: video from NASA
Titan - one of the most interesting moons of Saturn. Titan udelayut a long time scientists from different countries, including experts from NASA. Not so long ago it was sent to Titan probe Гюйгенс (I even once listened to an audio recording made by this probe in the fall). In addition, Titan has been Кассини, automatic interplanetary station that regularly sends to Earth beautiful views of Saturn's rings and the planet from an unusual angle.
So, Titan - one of the few satellites / planets of our solar system, the surface of which is a liquid. However, this is not the water, and a liquid methane which here consist of a lake. The last lot, they are huge, almost all of them are gathered in the northern hemisphere of Titan.
Scientists believe that Titan's methane rain falls even that probably looks very interesting.
So, the other day NASA posted a net video that is an attempt to visualize the information sent to us by Cassini (the last data collected using radar, not the camera). Video can be called "flying over Titan's methane lakes." The movie itself is not the most entertaining videos of the world, yet when you view it is worth remembering that it is - information obtained from a person of their offspring, complex devices sent to another planet, and successfully worked there.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/206558/