Chelyabinsk mathematician
The scientist proved the equality of classes P and NP, for the solution of which Clay Mathematics Institute has appointed award of one million US dollars.
Anatoly V. Panyukov about 30 years in the search for solutions to one of the greatest challenges of the Millennium. Mathematicians around the world for many years trying to prove or disprove the existence of the equality of classes P and NP, there are about a hundred solutions, but none of them has not yet been recognized. On this topic, relevant to this issue, head of the department of SUSU defended candidate and doctoral dissertations, but, as it seems to have found the right answer just now.
- The result of the work I have discussed on a number of conferences and mezhokruzhnyh among professionals. The results were presented at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the journal "Automation and Mechanics" issued by the Russian Academy of Sciences - said the "good news" Doctor of Sciences Anatoly Panyukov. - The longer the professionals can not find a refutation, the result is considered more appropriate.
P versus NP problem in the mathematical world as one of the urgent tasks of the millennium. And it is that if the equation is true, most of the actual optimization problems can be solved in a reasonable time, for example, in business or at work. Who is the exact solution of such problems is based on brute force, and can take more than a year.
- Most scientists are inclined to the hypothesis that the classes P and NP are not the same, but if the evidence presented is not an error, it is not so, - said in a conversation with "good news" Anatoly Panyukov.
If proof of Chelyabinsk scientists be true, then it will greatly affect the development of mathematics, economics and engineering science. Optimization problems in the business will be addressed more precisely, here is more profit and lower costs, the company that uses special software for such tasks.
The next step for the recognition of academic work Chelyabinsk is publication of evidence in the Clay Mathematics Institute, who announced the award of one million dollars for the decision to each of the objectives of the Millennium.
Currently, only one of the seven Millennium Problems (Poincaré conjecture) is solved. Fields Medal for her decision was awarded Perelman, who abandoned it.
For information: Panyukov Anatoly V. (b. 1951), Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Department of Economics and Mathematical Methods and Statistics at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, a member of the Association of mathematical programming, scientific secretary of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Mathematics Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Chelyabinsk branch), a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Territorial Department of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Chelyabinsk region, a member of dissertation councils in the South Urals and Perm State University. Author of over 200 scientific and educational publications, and more than 20 inventions. The head of the scientific seminar "Evidence calculations in economics, engineering, natural sciences", whose work is supported by grants from the RFBR, the Ministry of Education and the International Science and Technology Center. He trained seven candidates and two doctors of science. He has the title of "Honored Worker of Higher School of Russia" (2007), "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education" (2001), "Inventor of the USSR" (1979), awarded the Medal of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (1979) and a Certificate of Merit of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region.
Source: hornews.ru

Anatoly V. Panyukov about 30 years in the search for solutions to one of the greatest challenges of the Millennium. Mathematicians around the world for many years trying to prove or disprove the existence of the equality of classes P and NP, there are about a hundred solutions, but none of them has not yet been recognized. On this topic, relevant to this issue, head of the department of SUSU defended candidate and doctoral dissertations, but, as it seems to have found the right answer just now.
- The result of the work I have discussed on a number of conferences and mezhokruzhnyh among professionals. The results were presented at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the journal "Automation and Mechanics" issued by the Russian Academy of Sciences - said the "good news" Doctor of Sciences Anatoly Panyukov. - The longer the professionals can not find a refutation, the result is considered more appropriate.

P versus NP problem in the mathematical world as one of the urgent tasks of the millennium. And it is that if the equation is true, most of the actual optimization problems can be solved in a reasonable time, for example, in business or at work. Who is the exact solution of such problems is based on brute force, and can take more than a year.
- Most scientists are inclined to the hypothesis that the classes P and NP are not the same, but if the evidence presented is not an error, it is not so, - said in a conversation with "good news" Anatoly Panyukov.
If proof of Chelyabinsk scientists be true, then it will greatly affect the development of mathematics, economics and engineering science. Optimization problems in the business will be addressed more precisely, here is more profit and lower costs, the company that uses special software for such tasks.
The next step for the recognition of academic work Chelyabinsk is publication of evidence in the Clay Mathematics Institute, who announced the award of one million dollars for the decision to each of the objectives of the Millennium.
Currently, only one of the seven Millennium Problems (Poincaré conjecture) is solved. Fields Medal for her decision was awarded Perelman, who abandoned it.
For information: Panyukov Anatoly V. (b. 1951), Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Department of Economics and Mathematical Methods and Statistics at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, a member of the Association of mathematical programming, scientific secretary of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Mathematics Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Chelyabinsk branch), a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Territorial Department of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Chelyabinsk region, a member of dissertation councils in the South Urals and Perm State University. Author of over 200 scientific and educational publications, and more than 20 inventions. The head of the scientific seminar "Evidence calculations in economics, engineering, natural sciences", whose work is supported by grants from the RFBR, the Ministry of Education and the International Science and Technology Center. He trained seven candidates and two doctors of science. He has the title of "Honored Worker of Higher School of Russia" (2007), "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education" (2001), "Inventor of the USSR" (1979), awarded the Medal of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (1979) and a Certificate of Merit of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region.
Source: hornews.ru