Sculptures Jon Vaughn Sona
South Korean artist-sculptor Jon Won Sohn (Yong Won Song) uses a conventional wire, weaving in the end pieces that resemble animated drawings scrawled on the wall. Noteworthy is the actual size of the sculptures.
His work dreamy border between dreams and nightmares, fantasies and reality. The author obviously loves the game to explore the subconscious mind of the viewer. Surrealistic sculptures Jon Vaughn Sona (Yong Won Song) is a unique area, which combines realistic and creative, thus, entirely belongs to neither the first nor the second. According to the sculptor, his work - a fantasy world that combines conscious and subconscious.
His work dreamy border between dreams and nightmares, fantasies and reality. The author obviously loves the game to explore the subconscious mind of the viewer. Surrealistic sculptures Jon Vaughn Sona (Yong Won Song) is a unique area, which combines realistic and creative, thus, entirely belongs to neither the first nor the second. According to the sculptor, his work - a fantasy world that combines conscious and subconscious.