Ideas - a pointer to material objects and phenomena, and other ideas
- Ideas - there are pointers to material objects and phenomena, and other ideas.
- Possession of something - an idea, an indication of what you can do with the object of owning something invalid (or derating) for all others.
- Ideas come from the place pointed to the idea of "emptiness", manifested in the place pointed to the idea of "consciousness" and go back into the void.
- Consciousness has no affiliation, for all ideas about
Facilities manifested in consciousness, and are not external to it.
- We can not see the person who contemplates all the ideas and feelings (including the idea of "I am") that appear in the mind. But we can make the assumption that consciousness - is a mirror that reflects the observer, and as reflected in the minds of the thrill of objects and phenomena of the "outside world", as well as ideas about these objects and phenomena, we can make the assumption that something like to the "outside world" and is an observer, reflected in the mirror of consciousness.
R.Varaha "Virus OS"