All-Russian meeting of the hunters
This all-Russian meeting of the hunters gathered all those who can not imagine their hunting birds of prey without assistants. In the Moscow region for this event came falconry lovers from all over Russia. The program included hunting, competitions and of course, the celebration of the International Day of falconry.
Mikhail hunting with a hawk, "The bird is a part of the ecosystem, which can not be said about the pool. Falconry is no different from a predator that lives in nature, it also catches the weakest ».
Dmitry Ortsuev, one of the organizers of the exhibition, hunting with a hawk, "With a gun, you can shoot a lot more game, but I was not interested in such hunting. I do not kill the prey itself: it catches my bird. So, from my side there is no interference with nature ».
On the hunt falconers work with birds and dogs. If you compare the falconry with a rifle, at first glance it seems that the dog - a sight that is game, but with the help of a bird hunter gets striking a blow. But in order to make it work properly organic weapon requires constant training with the animals, which must take place at least four times a week. Dmitry Ortsuev "Bird - it's not a gun. A gun shot, cleaned and put. Since it is necessary to deal with every day, otherwise it will not catch prey. The dog must also be accustomed to the birds at an early age, so it does not attack it, not trying to take away her prey. Gradually, they appear its relations ».
President of the Association of hunters with birds of prey, Dmitry Rodionov in search of his pet with the loot. Radio receiver and transmitter, mounted on the back of the birds - the only innovations in the history of falconry.
The exhibition took place field competition of hunting birds, which was attended by hunters working with falcons and hawks. The nature of hunting with these birds varies.
Features of hunting with a falcon:
- A bird sits tied to a master hand in the hood (leather cap that covers the eye);
- Dog finds game and gets into the rack;
- A bird without a hood is released into the sky, where it is "holding position" above his master;
- Dog team raises the game, and the falcon swoops down at high speed on the prey.
Features of hunting with a hawk:
- Poultry untied and is on hand hunter without hood;
- Dog finds game and team owner picks it up in the sky;
- Hawk breaks to catch the prey.
At competitions predators hunted pheasants and doves. The latter, incidentally, are different skill to get away and high maneuverability in flight, so are a good target for training and presentations. On competition falconers had to demonstrate primarily the technique of hunting their pets, where to catch prey is not the main criterion for the evaluation of the bird.
The main criteria for evaluation of hunting falcons:
- The height and nature of the flight;
- The rate of attack;
- Hunting tactics.
The main criteria for evaluation of hunting hawks:
- Speed spurt at the start;
- Agility in flight;
- Hunting tactics.
The performance characteristics of birds of prey
Class: Birds
Gender: Falcons
Body length: 40-50 cm
Weight: 600-1400 g
Wingspan: 120 cm
The speed in the vertical attack: up to 350 km / h
The color of the upper body plumage is dark gray with stripes, the lower part of the bright, colorful.
Habitat: This species is found in all corners of the globe except Antarctica. unpretentious to the conditions of the external environment, but avoid excessive cold and very hot, humid tropical climate.
The tactics of the hunt: a rapid dive on prey from above
Class: Birds
Occupation: These hawks
Body length: about 55-61 cm
Weight: 630-1100 g
Wingspan: up to 104 cm
The color varies from blue-gray to black. Back, head and wing coverts are usually darker; the lower part light gray with a distinct transverse ripples. The tail light gray, with three or four dark stripes.
Habitat: live in mountainous and forest areas of Eurasia and North America, inhabit coniferous and deciduous forests.
The tactics of hunting: the rapid spurt and maneuvering while chasing prey.
Source: www.ridus.ru

Mikhail hunting with a hawk, "The bird is a part of the ecosystem, which can not be said about the pool. Falconry is no different from a predator that lives in nature, it also catches the weakest ».

Dmitry Ortsuev, one of the organizers of the exhibition, hunting with a hawk, "With a gun, you can shoot a lot more game, but I was not interested in such hunting. I do not kill the prey itself: it catches my bird. So, from my side there is no interference with nature ».

On the hunt falconers work with birds and dogs. If you compare the falconry with a rifle, at first glance it seems that the dog - a sight that is game, but with the help of a bird hunter gets striking a blow. But in order to make it work properly organic weapon requires constant training with the animals, which must take place at least four times a week. Dmitry Ortsuev "Bird - it's not a gun. A gun shot, cleaned and put. Since it is necessary to deal with every day, otherwise it will not catch prey. The dog must also be accustomed to the birds at an early age, so it does not attack it, not trying to take away her prey. Gradually, they appear its relations ».
President of the Association of hunters with birds of prey, Dmitry Rodionov in search of his pet with the loot. Radio receiver and transmitter, mounted on the back of the birds - the only innovations in the history of falconry.

The exhibition took place field competition of hunting birds, which was attended by hunters working with falcons and hawks. The nature of hunting with these birds varies.

Features of hunting with a falcon:
- A bird sits tied to a master hand in the hood (leather cap that covers the eye);

- Dog finds game and gets into the rack;

- A bird without a hood is released into the sky, where it is "holding position" above his master;

- Dog team raises the game, and the falcon swoops down at high speed on the prey.

Features of hunting with a hawk:
- Poultry untied and is on hand hunter without hood;

- Dog finds game and team owner picks it up in the sky;
- Hawk breaks to catch the prey.

At competitions predators hunted pheasants and doves. The latter, incidentally, are different skill to get away and high maneuverability in flight, so are a good target for training and presentations. On competition falconers had to demonstrate primarily the technique of hunting their pets, where to catch prey is not the main criterion for the evaluation of the bird.

The main criteria for evaluation of hunting falcons:
- The height and nature of the flight;
- The rate of attack;
- Hunting tactics.

The main criteria for evaluation of hunting hawks:
- Speed spurt at the start;
- Agility in flight;
- Hunting tactics.

The performance characteristics of birds of prey
Class: Birds
Gender: Falcons
Body length: 40-50 cm
Weight: 600-1400 g
Wingspan: 120 cm
The speed in the vertical attack: up to 350 km / h
The color of the upper body plumage is dark gray with stripes, the lower part of the bright, colorful.
Habitat: This species is found in all corners of the globe except Antarctica. unpretentious to the conditions of the external environment, but avoid excessive cold and very hot, humid tropical climate.
The tactics of the hunt: a rapid dive on prey from above

Class: Birds
Occupation: These hawks
Body length: about 55-61 cm
Weight: 630-1100 g
Wingspan: up to 104 cm
The color varies from blue-gray to black. Back, head and wing coverts are usually darker; the lower part light gray with a distinct transverse ripples. The tail light gray, with three or four dark stripes.
Habitat: live in mountainous and forest areas of Eurasia and North America, inhabit coniferous and deciduous forests.
The tactics of hunting: the rapid spurt and maneuvering while chasing prey.

Source: www.ridus.ru