In the Russian Empire were allowed to carry weapons Leisure. Before the 1917 revolution arms freely sold in hunting shops.
Instead, a measure of weight in kilograms of the Russian Empire was a peck equal to 16, 38 kg.
Before the Revolution, Russia (Russian empire) was the teetotal country in Europe, Russia has traditionally been one of the most sober of Europe. Less we saw in Europe only Norway. We stood in the penultimate place in the world in per capita consumption of alcohol during the three centuries from the XVII to the beginning of XX century.
Emperor Nicholas II a cousin of the emperor of the British Empire George the Fifth.
In the 20th century Russian Empire came with the biggest and best in the world oil and petrochemical industry: 94% of all oil processed domestically.
In 1904 in Russia was 21 million horses (in the world - about 75 million): 60% of farms Russia had 3 or more horses.
As the pace of industrial production to the Russian Empire in 1914 reached the 1st place.
The famous fragrance «Chanel № 5" was not invented by Coco Chanel and Russian immigrant Verigin-perfumer, who has worked in the perfume department of "Chanel" with the Muscovites Ernest Beaux.
In 1913, Russia from the sale of butter abroad has gained as much from gold mining.
The largest estate in the Russian Empire was the peasantry.
Denominations Orthodox Muslims 69.5% 11.1% 9.1% Jews, Catholics 4.2.%
The first head of state, who officially announced the idea of universal disarmament, was the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, he offered it to heads of state in Europe in 1898 in The Hague.
Russia and the Allies almost won the first world war in late 1916. Germany offered to the world, but the other party, including Russia, have refused, insisting on complete surrender. It was only February, and then the October Revolution with the signing of the Brest peace, made it possible to reach Germany until 1918.
Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky pioneer of color photography in Russia, the creator of "Collections attractions of the Russian Empire».

Instead, a measure of weight in kilograms of the Russian Empire was a peck equal to 16, 38 kg.

Before the Revolution, Russia (Russian empire) was the teetotal country in Europe, Russia has traditionally been one of the most sober of Europe. Less we saw in Europe only Norway. We stood in the penultimate place in the world in per capita consumption of alcohol during the three centuries from the XVII to the beginning of XX century.

Emperor Nicholas II a cousin of the emperor of the British Empire George the Fifth.

In the 20th century Russian Empire came with the biggest and best in the world oil and petrochemical industry: 94% of all oil processed domestically.

In 1904 in Russia was 21 million horses (in the world - about 75 million): 60% of farms Russia had 3 or more horses.

As the pace of industrial production to the Russian Empire in 1914 reached the 1st place.

The famous fragrance «Chanel № 5" was not invented by Coco Chanel and Russian immigrant Verigin-perfumer, who has worked in the perfume department of "Chanel" with the Muscovites Ernest Beaux.

In 1913, Russia from the sale of butter abroad has gained as much from gold mining.

The largest estate in the Russian Empire was the peasantry.

Denominations Orthodox Muslims 69.5% 11.1% 9.1% Jews, Catholics 4.2.%

The first head of state, who officially announced the idea of universal disarmament, was the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, he offered it to heads of state in Europe in 1898 in The Hague.

Russia and the Allies almost won the first world war in late 1916. Germany offered to the world, but the other party, including Russia, have refused, insisting on complete surrender. It was only February, and then the October Revolution with the signing of the Brest peace, made it possible to reach Germany until 1918.

Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky pioneer of color photography in Russia, the creator of "Collections attractions of the Russian Empire».
