Facts about the fans of the series Friends.
These six family and immediately began to stay with us for ten years.
A true fan of the series Friends ...
1. At the sound of the start of the song to the rhythm pat 4 times.
2. The series looked already a few dozen times.
3. Watch the movie, if there is an actor of the series, even if the film is worthless.
4. Will perceive this series, not only as a humorous, but also as a vital philosophical.
5.Znaet all the names of the characters, and actor, and be able to name them, even if he was awakened at night.
6. Know how many times married, Ross and Chandler have any profession.
7. The phrase & quot; How are you? & Quot; perceived as a reason for dating.
8. It is easy to discern Ursula and Phoebe.
9. Mother of exclusively Italian.
10. He knows all the songs by heart, and Phoebe can execute any of them, regardless of skills and hearing.
11. When the screen saver looks for the series, it can easily be determined from a series of shots taken slicing.
12. Know that in a world where there is a twin of his pet.
13. In a desperate situation just fly to Yemen.
14. Use the special thing for advertising milk from Joe.
15. Going to London is obliged to utter the phrase «It's London, baby!» (More than once).
16. At a request for assistance responds, "I would like (a), but not hunting!».
17. He knows that Chandler is also the niece Phoebe.
18. He knows what is behind a secret door in the apartment of Monica.
19. He knows what is needed from the sticks Chinese food.
20. is willing to sell his left kidney that would go with friends in what some decent place.
21. In the mystery of dreams to play Joey Tribbiani ass.
22. Try to speak at their wedding the correct name.
23. Do not worry that the age of 30 he has already divorced three times.
24. Once in New York, the first thing will look for Central Perk.
25. Buying a pink shirt, I'm sure it light - salmon.
26. There will never be anything to rearrange the apartment of Monica.
27. Is able to speak French.
28. Knows that OK in Spanish, too Okay.
29. Ready to perform at the wedding of a priest dressed as the Second World War.
30. Knows Niderlandy- fairyland where Peter Pan lives.
31. Do not condemn people for what they «homo sapiens».
32. Never stop loving your true love.
33. Know how many colors apartment Phoebe.
34. Exchange since Phoebe (as the ring - $ 8600 - we'll give you $ 10 for it).
35. beat any of the words "Friends? ... Stupid ... the show is not funny at all!».
36. At least once in your life will dance in the fountain.
37. He knows what is best of this series in the world and there will be to assure the other.
38. He loves his friends.
39. smiles when he remembers this episode.
40. Do you know what the taste of wax.
If this list is that you do not describes:

A true fan of the series Friends ...
1. At the sound of the start of the song to the rhythm pat 4 times.

2. The series looked already a few dozen times.

3. Watch the movie, if there is an actor of the series, even if the film is worthless.

4. Will perceive this series, not only as a humorous, but also as a vital philosophical.

5.Znaet all the names of the characters, and actor, and be able to name them, even if he was awakened at night.

6. Know how many times married, Ross and Chandler have any profession.

7. The phrase & quot; How are you? & Quot; perceived as a reason for dating.
8. It is easy to discern Ursula and Phoebe.

9. Mother of exclusively Italian.
10. He knows all the songs by heart, and Phoebe can execute any of them, regardless of skills and hearing.
11. When the screen saver looks for the series, it can easily be determined from a series of shots taken slicing.

12. Know that in a world where there is a twin of his pet.

13. In a desperate situation just fly to Yemen.

14. Use the special thing for advertising milk from Joe.
15. Going to London is obliged to utter the phrase «It's London, baby!» (More than once).

16. At a request for assistance responds, "I would like (a), but not hunting!».
17. He knows that Chandler is also the niece Phoebe.

18. He knows what is behind a secret door in the apartment of Monica.

19. He knows what is needed from the sticks Chinese food.

20. is willing to sell his left kidney that would go with friends in what some decent place.
21. In the mystery of dreams to play Joey Tribbiani ass.
22. Try to speak at their wedding the correct name.

23. Do not worry that the age of 30 he has already divorced three times.

24. Once in New York, the first thing will look for Central Perk.

25. Buying a pink shirt, I'm sure it light - salmon.

26. There will never be anything to rearrange the apartment of Monica.

27. Is able to speak French.
28. Knows that OK in Spanish, too Okay.
29. Ready to perform at the wedding of a priest dressed as the Second World War.

30. Knows Niderlandy- fairyland where Peter Pan lives.
31. Do not condemn people for what they «homo sapiens».
32. Never stop loving your true love.

33. Know how many colors apartment Phoebe.
34. Exchange since Phoebe (as the ring - $ 8600 - we'll give you $ 10 for it).
35. beat any of the words "Friends? ... Stupid ... the show is not funny at all!».

36. At least once in your life will dance in the fountain.

37. He knows what is best of this series in the world and there will be to assure the other.

38. He loves his friends.

39. smiles when he remembers this episode.

40. Do you know what the taste of wax.

If this list is that you do not describes: