Beautiful Hedy Lamar
In a series of Hollywood beauties, there is one actress, stands out not only for its beauty and talent, but also the mind. Thanks Hedy Lamar, we now use cell phones, car navigation and Bluetooth with WiFi. It was her portrait is depicted on the packaging of software CorelDraw.
And this actress first simulated on-screen orgasm, it was called "Miss sex" to star in Hollywood Walk of at Lamar has a personal star.
She went out six times and five times narrower divorce.
The writer Erich Maria Remarque was struck by the beauty and intelligence of this extraordinary woman.
The actress starred in 55 films, earning more than $ 30 million, in 30-40s of the last century was a significant figure.
By the way, her birthday - the 9th of November - Day became an inventor in the United States.
Hedy Lamar was born in Vienna in 1914. However, it was togoda Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler. She was educated at a theater school and soon started acting in movies.
But the world fame came to her in 1933, after a 10-minute scene is quite innocent by today's standards, swimming in a forest lake in the nude, as shown in the Czechoslovak film with outrageous called "Ecstasy". This episode went down in history of art as the first full-length movies such explicit scenes.
In the same year the parents have given Eve to marry a millionaire Austrian Fritz Mandla. Newly-born husband tried to buy copies of the controversial film, but this only fueled interest in him. A young wife frequently attended meetings of the manufacturer of weapons, scrutinizing many questions and learned a lot.
But life in a golden cage soon grown hateful young beauty and Eve ran away from her husband and moved to America, where he took the stage name Hedy Lamar.
Her film career is developing rapidly, but starts World War II and the beautiful actress decides to offer its services to the National Inventors Council.
However, at first it was used only as fundraisers, as for a kiss Headey paid 25 thousand "green", and it is thus lumped 7 million!
But that all changed after meeting Miss Lamar with composer George Antheil-garde, who was also a gifted scientist and inventor. The pair came up with the idea of frequency hopping, which is used in the "system of secret messages." However, it has found its embodiment much later.
Only in 1997, Lamar was assigned to the reward fund Electronic Frontier. But the actress remained indifferent, did not come to the ceremony and refused to take reporters.
Actress lost his entire fortune, and in February 2000, died in a nursing home.

And this actress first simulated on-screen orgasm, it was called "Miss sex" to star in Hollywood Walk of at Lamar has a personal star.

She went out six times and five times narrower divorce.

The writer Erich Maria Remarque was struck by the beauty and intelligence of this extraordinary woman.

The actress starred in 55 films, earning more than $ 30 million, in 30-40s of the last century was a significant figure.

By the way, her birthday - the 9th of November - Day became an inventor in the United States.
Hedy Lamar was born in Vienna in 1914. However, it was togoda Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler. She was educated at a theater school and soon started acting in movies.

But the world fame came to her in 1933, after a 10-minute scene is quite innocent by today's standards, swimming in a forest lake in the nude, as shown in the Czechoslovak film with outrageous called "Ecstasy". This episode went down in history of art as the first full-length movies such explicit scenes.

In the same year the parents have given Eve to marry a millionaire Austrian Fritz Mandla. Newly-born husband tried to buy copies of the controversial film, but this only fueled interest in him. A young wife frequently attended meetings of the manufacturer of weapons, scrutinizing many questions and learned a lot.

But life in a golden cage soon grown hateful young beauty and Eve ran away from her husband and moved to America, where he took the stage name Hedy Lamar.

Her film career is developing rapidly, but starts World War II and the beautiful actress decides to offer its services to the National Inventors Council.

However, at first it was used only as fundraisers, as for a kiss Headey paid 25 thousand "green", and it is thus lumped 7 million!

But that all changed after meeting Miss Lamar with composer George Antheil-garde, who was also a gifted scientist and inventor. The pair came up with the idea of frequency hopping, which is used in the "system of secret messages." However, it has found its embodiment much later.

Only in 1997, Lamar was assigned to the reward fund Electronic Frontier. But the actress remained indifferent, did not come to the ceremony and refused to take reporters.

Actress lost his entire fortune, and in February 2000, died in a nursing home.