Photos Tom Felton
Confidence in the fact that this young man is familiar to most users of our site, I did not hold, because Tom Felton - is one of the main villains in films about wizard Harry Potter. The film adaptation of JK Rowling's books have looked if not all, very, very many, so I think this guy you remember. 24-year-old actor is famous for his role as Draco Malfoy and just like its partners in the filming Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson became a celebrity after the first part of the seven presented. In addition to being a great actor Tom (he played his character, never looking in a book about Harry), he is also a singer, enjoys football, basketball and fishing. People really versatile, but for several years now as busy, so fans, anyway, there is little chance to seduce Tom. He meets with Jade Gordon, who in the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" starred his wife's character Draco Malfoy. Tom admits that he cherishes this relationship and says that for him there is nothing better than enjoying the peace and quiet with his beloved. Romantic ...