Quotes Eminem

Not casual is the first picture stamp, Eminem with the book "How to Win Friends and respect for people." Well, Slim Shady ...
Someone creates sites about me, someone makes a transaction must be like to me. But I am one. And you do not know me, so you can ask you a question? Why do you love me?

If you have gone too far, and you realize that it is necessary to go back, do not rush to turn back, go forward and go around the damn blue ball.

Hell, if my discs are buying if my songs on the radio and my clips show the best music channels ... What I have achieved what I wanted! Now the girl, which I was in love with as a child, believe in my words. I told her one day that I would be famous. And that she will regret that once I had rejected. And she named the moron in love. And here, I think it is already regret!

Slim Shady is the guy saying the most ridiculous things that you could hear.

I think it is more important for men pants than his wife. There are many places where you can safely go without his wife. And you can go without pants?

I have to give vent to the storm, which broke out in me! I'm out of the war repperskih clan brothers.

If someone is jealous of me, not because of money, but because of her daughter.
By the way, here is the daughter - Hailie Jade Scott (Mathers)

I think you will see some of them)

I swear on the stage to show off cool ... But I'm cool.

Do not tell me figure how you love me! Better give me a pizza, after all! Restaurant it or not ?!

When I think how I hate these pop fans pevichek, I became ill.

You can die without having had time to blink, so clap eyelashes, winks and kisses go, because life is flirting with death.
Now the statements of some famous (and how without it!).
Avril Lavigne

I would never consider a negative creativity Avril Lavigne. She and I - are good friends. I think her music and creativity in general, very professional and decent. Of course, Avril is not involved in stellar demolition, I personally would be very boring! Of course, we are not directly the best of friends together and do not discuss rumors or details of his personal life, but in any crowded place where ourselves, always very nice and well communicated. She is very sincere and sympathetic girl.
Brittany Merphy

Her death was somehow absurd. She was a wonderful person and we had once been very close. Together we filmed it in a movie, and became good friends. It is monstrous that it is no more. It's all so stupid ...
It was said that on the set of "The 8th mile 'she met with Eminem.
Britney Spears

Oh-oh, I simply do not-on-VI-HA! Although pleased to have slept with her! She did heifer - seksualnaya.Nu there ... I've got Britney Spears album. Just do not hit! Well it is necessary to listen to what she sings crap ?!
Cristiano Ronaldo

He's the best player in the world in my opinion, it really deserves the title of best player in 2011, and he is the only player with whom I want to get an autograph.
Nicki Minaj

Back in 2010, both the singer collaborated recording track Roman's Revenge, which entered the album, Minaj titled "Pink Friday" .In the song sounded these words:
"I hope I do not sound too disgusting when I say this. Nikki Minaj, I want to hold her in your county * * well * e ". Whoops! But the songs, as they say, words can not erase!
Speaking on MTV at the time, Minaj talked about working with Eminem on this record:
"This is the most fun song to the" Pink Friday ". She gave me life. And Eminem has a quite nice ... »
And then you can add one more quote him:
Do not take my songs vserez.U me feeling strained yumora.Vy have to understand where I'm kidding, but where I say seriously.
(Well, not serious as such can be said about Nikki Minaj.)

Beastie Boys

I never would have mentioned the Beastie Boys songs. I do not want them to think that I will try them lazhanut. I love them very much. I grew up on their songs.
Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson? Cool girl. I watched one of her concerts, she sings live as well as under the plywood.
About addiction

"I was not ready to give up the tablets. I do not see this as a problem. I had a relapse, and the following three years of life I have spent in the struggle with its consequences. I took a break in their careers thinking that it might help. I switched to producing activities ... so I can continue to play music on the album "Re-Up", but did not go to the foreground ».
On the death of Proofa
"Everyone felt his loss, from his kids and wife to outsiders. But looking back, for some reason, I took it as if the loss of the one I experienced. Maybe at that time I was too fixated on itself. This is very much for me to hit me like a dazzled. It began a dark period in which I have put himself in drugs, my thoughts and everything else.
The more I was taking antidepressants, the stronger became my depression, the greater the aversion I had to him.

Now I say this calmly, but for a long time could not even speak without tears or desire to cry. Proof was everything to D12. And not only for the group - for me it was all the same ... "