35 facts about Avril Lavigne

< 1. In 10 years, I thought that would be a writer, but seriously began to play in a hockey team with the guys.
2. Considers that the inspiration to write the song came to her through the church, as the girl a lot of time devoted to performance in the choir.
3. The first kiss the stars took place when she was still in the 1st grade. According to the script of the play she had to kiss the boy on the cheek.
4. The first song Avril wrote in 12 years. But it was exactly the song, it is still a mystery. We know of only a couple of lines touching about these: «Can not stop thinking of you, Boy, with everything you do, You take my breath away, With all those silly things you say ...»

5. is also 12 years old Avril has won the competition for the radio and sang in the Canadian city of Ottawa on the same stage with Shana Twain (Shania Twain).
6. As a child, my mother would not let the little Av sing a song in the style of country music Strawberry Wine »(Strawberry Wine"), due to the fact that the word was mentioned in the song of wine! " Thus the image of my mother defended her little girl!
7. The most embarrassing moment of his youth Avril said when my mother came to take her to a party in 14 years.
8. At school, Avril had an inferiority complex, and many teachers considered it just a jerk, but ... all the boys were afraid of! Her three times expelled for missing classes and zachinku fights.
9. Avril School was nicknamed «Av Dawg» - pereinachenny «Av Dog», which literally translates as "Ev Dog».
10. Once in school days Avril played "truth or dare" and she had to run in the winter around the house in his underwear.
11. Parents guy who once met our Canadian, were against their relationship. They felt too restless girl and wild for their son, which greatly hurt her!
12. Mom and Dad Avril strictly brought up his daughter. She was not allowed to close the door to the room where there was a guy at a party. She had no right to call the boys, they first had to dial her number! If a guy wanted to go on a date with Av, necessarily I had to go for it. But the current star is not mad at the parents. On the contrary, she believes this method of education right and very effective!
13. She had never herself did not buy their own discs. Her first album was Faith Hill, who presented her with her parents.
14. The first song she ever sang - «Jesus Loves Me».

15. With 14 years Avril skateboarding, but the only trick that it can do - "Ollie", but is not afraid to jump on board through his dog. According to her, the school she could do back Ollie Kick-fpip.
16. At our stars was not a single guitar lesson - she learned everything myself, somewhere in the region of 12 years.
17. When 16 Avril has signed a contract with Arista Records, she had not the slightest idea of how to enter into contracts and what they need.
18. «Let Go», her debut album, originally called «Anything But Ordinary», after one of the songs included.
19. Avril felt uncomfortable using the song «My World» line «fried chicken ass» (fried chicken ass) because personally apologized to the manager of the restaurant, specializing in chicken meat, which once It worked.

20. The singer stopped wearing tie after one day I saw an article entitled "to tie a tie, how Avril», and she does not like when her copy!
21. Av is not averse to share your songs with others - she wrote the song «Breakaway» (which, incidentally, was a hit) for Kelly Clarkson, and is ready to sell someone their unreleased song «Daydream».
22. Avril often play guitar Fender Telecaster - black and white and black and white in the box with the inscription «You suck». In the clip «Complicated» in her hands PRS Tremonti Black. Her acoustic guitar made Gibson.
23. At Avril has a piercing in the navel, two holes in the left ear and one on the right. When Av was 15, she pierced lower lip, but soon decided to remove the earring.
24. Despite all the rumors, Avril smokes very little - sometimes to wild parties, and mainly when the drinks.

25. Drinks Avril is not often, but sometimes a lot, and reporters like to watch for singer drunk at reversing the trendy club. Even if it happens two or three times during the tour, there is a feeling that the unloading evening with friends at Av take place a little every day.
26. Avril prefers an active lifestyle, and her favorite leisure - camping, fishing, hunting, hockey, skateboarding and snowboarding, but by shopping with girlfriends, too, will not give up.
27. Because of myopia before the singer wore glasses now she prefers lenses and glasses ... but she really goes.
28. Avril suffers from asthma since childhood (it should be noted, many doctors believe the disease rather psychological, associated with fear and nervousness).
29. At Avril is allergic to bees, ie it transfers their bites are very painful.

30. In principle, Avril forbidden to eat dairy products and meat, t. To. It is bad for the voice, and too sharp - because of possible heart problems. Technically, she was a vegetarian, but still occasionally eat pizza, Turkish meat and burgers ....
31. As a child Avril was very small and thin, but it's awfully worried about her parents.
32. Avril scarcely threatened plump - she says that her balance is never more than 50 kilos, no matter how much she ate.
33. Avril does not use perfume because of her migraine singer, deodorant and scare her risk of getting cancer.
34. The life of the young Canadians had a broken leg after falling from the tree!
35. Avril says that once during a speech she blew up the microphone, and then left a small scar on her nose, which she has to conceal cosmetics.
Source: www.muz4in.net
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