Taylor Swift and sick fan

Last weekend, Taylor Swift had lunch with his longtime fan, 17-year-old Kayla Kinkenon, performing, thus, the greatest dream of a cancer patient girl - to get acquainted with the famous country singer.
Kyle Kinkenon ill in May 2011. Around the same time the girl with friends launched a major campaign in social networks to attract the attention of Taylor. In the end, she did it! January 19 Kyle met with Taylor and her mother Andre in Nashville.
"I can not believe that he had just had lunch with Taylor Swift! I am fascinated by you, "- wrote in" Twitter "after meeting a high school student. Was pleased with the familiarity with pop singer and father of Kyle spoke about the warm welcome from the Taylor and her mother, a long conversation and a basket of gifts that a celebrity has prepared for his fans.
"I am so grateful to Taylor, who helped realize the dream of Kayla! She is the sweetest girl I've ever met in my life "- Pope touched the girl.