Attraction Flower Carpet Festival
Looking at these pictures, it seems that we are looking at a huge stained glass window. In fact, it is a massive education is the main attraction of Flower Carpet Festival in Brussels. Once every two years on the area of Grand-Place passes an exciting and large-scale event that pleases the eye, thousands of people. On August 12, tourists from all over the world are eager to get to Brussels to look at the stunning carpet, created from flowers.
In the early 1950s the Belgian landscape architect Stautemans began experimenting with ways to create and design a carpet, which used his favorite begonia. Over the years he became an expert on creative activities. It is thanks to this man in 1971 was created the first official flower carpet. His creation has become so popular around the world BP that Stautemansu proposed the creation of such a beauty in various cities in Europe and the United States - Cologne, Luxembourg, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Buenos Aires and even Columbus, Ohio.
In making flower carpet participating graphic designers, gardeners, artists and volunteers who assist in the organization and conduct of the festival. And the layout and theme of the future of the carpet is approved for the year prior to the event. On the opening day of the festival thousands of experienced gardeners harvested flower carpet in just four hours.
Begonia flowers are used not in vain, because it has a good resistance, as the sun's rays and to bad weather conditions. During all days of the festival, she is able to live to please and bright colors all guests. You can admire the beauty of both the area and climb the City Hall balcony Town Hall. From there, a stunning view of the whole picture of the carpet as a whole, although it will have to make a fee.
According to estimates per square meter takes about 750 000 colors. What a pity that all these beautiful flowers, after the completion of the festival go to the compost pits and we have to remember and admire such beauty only in photographs.

In the early 1950s the Belgian landscape architect Stautemans began experimenting with ways to create and design a carpet, which used his favorite begonia. Over the years he became an expert on creative activities. It is thanks to this man in 1971 was created the first official flower carpet. His creation has become so popular around the world BP that Stautemansu proposed the creation of such a beauty in various cities in Europe and the United States - Cologne, Luxembourg, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Buenos Aires and even Columbus, Ohio.

In making flower carpet participating graphic designers, gardeners, artists and volunteers who assist in the organization and conduct of the festival. And the layout and theme of the future of the carpet is approved for the year prior to the event. On the opening day of the festival thousands of experienced gardeners harvested flower carpet in just four hours.

Begonia flowers are used not in vain, because it has a good resistance, as the sun's rays and to bad weather conditions. During all days of the festival, she is able to live to please and bright colors all guests. You can admire the beauty of both the area and climb the City Hall balcony Town Hall. From there, a stunning view of the whole picture of the carpet as a whole, although it will have to make a fee.

According to estimates per square meter takes about 750 000 colors. What a pity that all these beautiful flowers, after the completion of the festival go to the compost pits and we have to remember and admire such beauty only in photographs.