Quotes Billy Bob Thornton
Today, August 4, marks 58 years of one of the most eccentric actors in Hollywood - Billy Bob Thornton. This extraordinary personality with an Irish-Italian-Indian roots, he said, did not like the movie, and can only be removed for the sake of money. This is his passion - music. And, true to the childhood he always wanted to be a musician, I loved country style, and now gladly gives concerts with his own band. Although this does not negate his excellent work in the movie, in which he came in films with Elvis Presley.
Few people know, but it has even its own "Oscar" for "Best Screenplay", produced back in 1996 for a low-budget film, which took off and he starred Thornton. This country attractive actor a whole lot. It is famous for lots of different phobias, tattoos, ex-wives, children. More than anything, he loves his cowboy hat "Houston Colt" and Paris. Angelina Jolie herself at the time did not resist him. The actor was older than her 20 years, but the breathtaking twists and turns of their whirlwind romance. For birthday charming bully Thornton we remember him most interesting quotes.
I is not that I do not like to give interviews. No, I do not mind. Just people do not always hear from me what they want.
I do without the drug for twenty seven years.
I was a poor boy, Arkansas, in love with music and baseball. I was raised a little short-tempered Irishman - baseball coach and mother-psychic. If you want to become a schizophrenic, do not come up with the right recipe.
Everyone thinks I'm abnormal. What did not weave me: I supposedly vampire bloodsucker, I live in a dungeon, eat something orange ... In fact, all it is. I have a recording studio in the basement, where I spend a lot of time. Every morning, I eat papaya - it is orange. And we Angie (Angelina Jolie, Thornton's ex-wife. - Esquire) really was the notorious "bottle with blood." In fact, it was a small medallions, and we punctured their fingers and dripped to the blood.
I do not go anywhere. I or at home or work. I guess I do not fit into society.
While alcohol is not banned officially, I will not give up smoking.
To get pleasure from sex, not necessarily choose a partner model. On the other hand, sometimes have sex with "the most seductive girl in the world" is not much more interesting than the fucking bench.
If a cop stops you and asks: "Grass is?" - The best, in my opinion, the answer is: "You know what, Sergeant? I will not hide anything from you. A couple of days ago my friend and I smoked a bong, and he left a cigarette butt on the floor here. " Because if you do not tell him, he will find it. Maybe after your words, he still arrest you. But maybe not.
If you need to talk to someone their problems, always call me a woman.
Never get a tattoo with the name of a friend, if you are not willing to poke out of the top of the name of another.
I'm not the first sit on a rigid diet. I eat only raw. Doing sports. I am doing everything right to be able to drink a beer and smoke a cigarette.
You'll never catch me for writing "Star Wars." I can only write about what he saw or experienced. This is my method, if it comes to that. I usually say that I do not have a method. But in fact it is - and the other has never been.
I was a musician before he learned that in the world there are the actors. Some music critics have blamed you because you're an actor. But plenty of fucking around the musicians, who were never actors.
I'm sorry that we're not friends with Tom Waits. I do not even know him, but I love it.
They say that in fifty again feels like thirty. On August I turned fifty dollars. But I do not worry, I promise. My girlfriend me happy. I have a child. Hands and feet are intact, I go in for sports. I can drive the ball. I like so much to live, that I never setuyu his age.
Have you ever thought why it pubic hair did not turn gray? Can you explain?
Few people know, but it has even its own "Oscar" for "Best Screenplay", produced back in 1996 for a low-budget film, which took off and he starred Thornton. This country attractive actor a whole lot. It is famous for lots of different phobias, tattoos, ex-wives, children. More than anything, he loves his cowboy hat "Houston Colt" and Paris. Angelina Jolie herself at the time did not resist him. The actor was older than her 20 years, but the breathtaking twists and turns of their whirlwind romance. For birthday charming bully Thornton we remember him most interesting quotes.

I is not that I do not like to give interviews. No, I do not mind. Just people do not always hear from me what they want.
I do without the drug for twenty seven years.

I was a poor boy, Arkansas, in love with music and baseball. I was raised a little short-tempered Irishman - baseball coach and mother-psychic. If you want to become a schizophrenic, do not come up with the right recipe.

Everyone thinks I'm abnormal. What did not weave me: I supposedly vampire bloodsucker, I live in a dungeon, eat something orange ... In fact, all it is. I have a recording studio in the basement, where I spend a lot of time. Every morning, I eat papaya - it is orange. And we Angie (Angelina Jolie, Thornton's ex-wife. - Esquire) really was the notorious "bottle with blood." In fact, it was a small medallions, and we punctured their fingers and dripped to the blood.

I do not go anywhere. I or at home or work. I guess I do not fit into society.
While alcohol is not banned officially, I will not give up smoking.

To get pleasure from sex, not necessarily choose a partner model. On the other hand, sometimes have sex with "the most seductive girl in the world" is not much more interesting than the fucking bench.
If a cop stops you and asks: "Grass is?" - The best, in my opinion, the answer is: "You know what, Sergeant? I will not hide anything from you. A couple of days ago my friend and I smoked a bong, and he left a cigarette butt on the floor here. " Because if you do not tell him, he will find it. Maybe after your words, he still arrest you. But maybe not.

If you need to talk to someone their problems, always call me a woman.
Never get a tattoo with the name of a friend, if you are not willing to poke out of the top of the name of another.

I'm not the first sit on a rigid diet. I eat only raw. Doing sports. I am doing everything right to be able to drink a beer and smoke a cigarette.

You'll never catch me for writing "Star Wars." I can only write about what he saw or experienced. This is my method, if it comes to that. I usually say that I do not have a method. But in fact it is - and the other has never been.

I was a musician before he learned that in the world there are the actors. Some music critics have blamed you because you're an actor. But plenty of fucking around the musicians, who were never actors.
I'm sorry that we're not friends with Tom Waits. I do not even know him, but I love it.

They say that in fifty again feels like thirty. On August I turned fifty dollars. But I do not worry, I promise. My girlfriend me happy. I have a child. Hands and feet are intact, I go in for sports. I can drive the ball. I like so much to live, that I never setuyu his age.

Have you ever thought why it pubic hair did not turn gray? Can you explain?