Small fish aquarium

Famous microminiature Anatoly Konenko of the city of Omsk has created the world's smallest, but completely viable nano-akvarium.

This tiny aquarium made of fiberglass on the bottom of the living grow algae, and fish in it, too, are the real - 5 fry zebrafish, the size of which does not exceed 4 millimetra.Razmer nanoakvariuma made Anatoly and Stanislav Konenko February 12, 2011 30 x 24 x 14 mm. The volume of micro - 10 ml., Which is 2 teaspoons. This is an absolute record, because until then the size of the smallest aquarium was 60 millilitrov.

To create the aquarium Anatolia Konenko took about 3 weeks. The most difficult was the process of making micro-kompressora.

This is not the first record Anatoly Konenko. In 2002, he of micro size less than 1 square millimeter was entered in the Guinness Book of Records Ginnessa.
