How to peel a pomegranate

Saw workshop seller on the market. Shows how to properly clean grenades. I came home, tried - happened! I know that many people like grenades, but did not eat because poking around in them for a long time and not very comfortable. Then another, and fingers ryzheyut. Here's how to quickly and effectively clean grenades. Instruction in pictures. My grenades. At this stage, it is desirable to tie the apron to protect clothing from accidental splashes of juice. Cut the tip of a knife with a tail so that the cut had white prozhilki.

Along these bright streaks do shallow nadrezy.

Overturn grenades - cut down. Take a tablespoon and start tapping on the peel. Tapping confident and uniform - and garnet grains will jump into the pot. Do not be afraid to damage the grain. Sold in the market generally handle knife knocked grain from pomegranate - all were intact. It is desirable that the dishes were high walls - in case the juicy pomegranate. Apron is still not pomeshaet.

The result - a plate with a ready-to-eat pomegranate and pomegranate flower:)

Vitaminizing! Fresh juice can be dangerous if you drink it in a concentrated form. Be sure to add water.

Source: antipedagogika.com/?p=6946