Clever Kids
Scientists from Scotland on the basis of long-term studies have revealed the following regularity - the children who had a child a high level of IQ, in adult life longer drink than children with low IQ. During the experiment, which lasted several years, scientists from the University of Glasgow have identified and fixed the mental capacity of about 8000 boys and girls aged 10 years. Then, when the kids are grown, the researchers determined how much alcohol consumed honors. Those adults that a child recruited the highest number of points, had a serious problem with alcoholism, especially women. They have a tendency to alcoholism has been expressed much brighter. For example, if the IQ score is increased by 15 units, the risk of increasing the consumption of alcohol in men and women increases to 1, 17 and 1, 38-fold, respectively. Research the relationship of intellectual abilities and the degree of craving for alcohol will continue, because there is still not clear the cause of this phenomenon. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) this year Ukraine became the first of all the European countries in the number of adolescents aged 11 to 15 years who consume alcohol, and the number of such young people is growing, reports Zakyiv.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2008/10/29/umnye-deti-gorazdo-chashhe-stanovyatsya-alkogolikami/