Flexible "elektrobumazhnye" displays

Dreams of digital newspapers to collapsible tube in the "e-paper" are getting closer. LG Display start mass production of 6-inch "elektrobumazhnyh" screen with a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels, which can be bent at an angle of 40 degrees. Plastic screens are now available to Chinese vendors who prepare the appropriate readers. In Europe, the unknown device will appear in April. It is alleged that the thickness of the flexible displays is 0, 7 mm - they are as thin as a protective film for the phone. Tests have shown that the screens can withstand a drop of 1, 5 m and hitting with a rubber hammer. It remains obviously glad when they implemented a flexible battery. See Also: Laptop with transparent OLED-display from Samsung. Lifebook, which unites our gadgets. Touchscreen can transfer texture materials. 40-inch table-tablet from Samsung: the life of ideas.
Source: www.sotovik.ru/news/lg-pristupila-k-vipusku-gibkih-jelektrobumazhnih-displeev.html