Japanese Robinson Crusoe
In Japan, an unusual living a hermit. 76-year-old Masafumi Nagasaki settled on a tiny tropical island Sotobanari, near the island of Iriomote. Japanese "Robinson" lived on the island for 20 years, even where there is no fresh water and food extracts sam.
From time to time an old man still needs the money to purchase goods from the ships. And then the financial assistance it provides brat.
Soon after arriving on the island of Nagasaki completely abandoned clothing. His desire to go naked, he explains the desire to get closer to nature: walking naked among people - maybe not normal, but here - on the island - it is at least natural, like a uniform. When this dress - feel eccentric ».
Before leaving the habitual way of life, he worked as a photographer in the entertainment industry in Japan. However, with the onset of retirement age Nagasaki wanted to radically change their zhizn.
"I'm not doing what I dictate society, I follow the laws of nature. We can not conquer nature, so the only thing that we can - it is a fully comply. I understood almost as soon as arrived. Maybe that's why I am here so well. Someone considers it to die in a hospital or in the family circle. I decided to choose the nature. Is it possible to come up with something better? "- Said Nagasaki.
Source: copypast.ru/2012/04/19/japonskijj_robinzon_kruzo_20_let_zhivet_na_neobitaemom_ostrove_6_foto.html