Grod water
amazing town is located on the Pacific coast of Mexico with a population of about 800 people. No less interesting is its name - Mexcaltitan (Mexcaltitan) translated from the Nahuatl language means "island, full of mescal" (a type of strong alcoholic beverage).
The city is located on the marshland, among numerous channels formed mangrove lesom.
Some experts believe that Mexcaltitán may actually be the legendary city of Aztlan, ancestral home atstekov.
Currently, the entire population of the city is occupied catching krevetok.
In the rainy season, almost all the water floods the streets of the city and the inhabitants forced to move to live in lodki.
See also: In the US, the city put up for sale. City e-waste. Austrian village thought about changing the "obscene" title. In Thailand, the theater built on the water.
Source: trasyy.livejournal.com/880571.html