Extra second to Greenwich mean time

All global service time on the night of July 1, stop the "arrows" of their standards for 1 second to compensate for the accumulated difference between the astronomical time determined by the rotation of the Earth and the time of atomic standards. The decision was made back on January 5 the Paris-based International Earth Rotation Service, which is the main "guardian" Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). As a result, the difference between UTC and International Atomic Time (TAI) reaches 35 seconds. At the same time, with the establishment of atomic time in 1967, this difference was 32 and 184 seconds. Additional or leap seconds are introduced every year on June 30 or December 31, to the discrepancy between the astronomical solar time and UTC does not exceed 0, 9 seconds. Russian service will also be time to add "extra" per second.
See also: World conspiracy watchmakers. Why can not I give the watch? Runaway alarm clock Clocky. A day is not exactly 24 hours.
Source: ria.ru/science/20120630/688334092.html