Pervoispytatel toys
Who among us at the tender age of children are not wanted to grow big and worked as a salesman, or at least a watchman in a toy store? But the little girl Jessica Rosbruk from the English county of Kent did not even need to go to the local "Children's World" or the employment center to play with the new dolls and trinkets. Being only a five-year schoolgirl, she was already working the youngest tester toy company "TOMY".
Her duties include testing and assessment of children's entertainment products, which for the year is sent to her home. Simply put, it is necessary to play with a toy and say whatever she thinks about it. Also, a girl like to collect all that it receives, thus forming its own huge collection.
"Jessica loves to test new models, and she understands how she is happy. And yet she likes the realization that it is pervoispytatelem toys, which still none of the children are not "- says mother of Jessica. See also: Four-Englishwoman passed the IQ-test 159 points. In the Book of Records was an Indian boy has 34 fingers. 12-year-old "Rapunzel" Brazil will sell scythe to make repairs in the apartment. In Britain, the five year old boy was first tonsured.
Source: drunov.ru/news/pyatiletnyaya_angliyskaya_shkolnitsa_rabotaet_pervoispytatelem_igrushek/