Black mineral water
In Canada, the company managed to create a black Blk mineral water, it is non-carbonated and non-caloric and has recently gone on sale for the price of 2, $ 3 per butylku.
The manufacturer assures that the released mineral water really turned completely black. In this case, there is no deceit on the part of manufacturers, as it turned out when trying to create the same black tulips, made by Dutch scientists. In the case of these colors to get the black color did not succeed, in fact, after eight years of experimentation breeders was obtained dark purple petals of the plant, which is now called "black» .
As for the new mineral water, the beverage composition does not include any artificial coloring or nutrients. The properties of the water coincide with the usual mineral water, with the exception of fulvic acids (natural antioxidant humus origin), which provide the color of water. It also contains 77 minerals and electrolytes necessary for the well-being and health and that are involved in the process of assimilation of nutrients.
Source: mirfactov.com/