River Tsitarum

River Tsitarum is in Indonesia on the island of Java. Once it was the most beautiful place on the island: the water flowed slowly, the fishermen caught fish, birds produce their own food, and local residents took water for domestic needs. The river paddy polya.

Today the river Tsitarum environmental disaster. She gasps from tons of municipal solid waste and waste water hundreds of factories. The carpet of debris on the surface of the river is very tight, see the water in it is very slozhno.

The decline began after the river of rapid industrialization in the late 80th godov.

Now the fishermen are not catching fish - much more profitable earn a catching trash out of the water, which then can be sold: plastic bottles, rubber gloves. The garbage collector earns 1-2 pounds a week, every day at the risk of catching any infection zabolevanie.

Five hundred factories producing textile products, is located along the banks of this river, dumping their waste in the water. Here, there is no modern toilets, everything is just dumped into the river, and then the contaminated water is absorbed into the soil in rice polyah.

Tsitarum - is one of the two largest rivers that feed the lake with the largest hydroelectric Saguling in West Java. Soon the river is so clogged debris that hydroelectric generators will not be able to work properly. Then everything around in darkness, the plants stop and stop the waste stream. And, perhaps, the river begins ozhivat.

Source: imworld.ru/priroda/reka-citarum-%E2%80%93-samaya-zagryaznennaya-reka-v-mire.html