Mayantuyacu is the BOILING RIVER in the Amazon jungle
Geologist Andres rouzaud from Peru, often in childhood heard the legend from his grandfather about the river that literally "cooks" their victims. Is this river somewhere deep in the jungle, and it is constantly full, as if beneath it burns an eternal flame. Rouzaud don't particularly believe, perceiving stories as a fairy tale.
But recently it was waiting for an amazing discovery in the Amazon jungle, far from active volcanoes, Andres found the river from my grandpa's stories — "Mayantuyacu".
For the first time Andres rouzaud heard about the river Mayantuyacu in her grandfather's stories about the conquistadors, the invaders. The last ruler of the Inca Empire Atahualpa was already caught and killed. But the Spaniard Pizarro and his conquistadors, in spite of already acquired during the conquests of wealth, always felt that they can find more gold. And then the Incas, to revenge the Spaniards, sent Pizarro in the valley of the Amazon, where "you will find the gold you are seeking. There is a city called Paytiti — El Dorado, City of Gold in Spanish — he's all gold".
When he returned the remnants of the detachment Pissarro, they told stories about powerful shamans, warriors with poisoned arrows, trees, such high that they blotted out the sun, spiders that eat birds, snakes that swallow humans whole, and on the river which was in full swing.
25 meters wide and 6 meters deep. The average water temperature reaches 90 °C, enough to brew some tea. And in some areas the temperature exceeds 100 °C.
"If you immerse your hand in water you will get third-degree burns less than half a second. But immersion in water will kill you in a moment", says rouzaud.
Animals that fall in water are boiled alive — too hot. They lose power, lose power, until one moment the water hits them in the mouth and then they are cooked on the inside.
During the research it became clear that the river starts cold. Then heated, cooled, heated again, cooled again heated, then cooled at the bend until it is cold. Its highest temperature it retains for 6.24 miles. The nearest volcano is about 700 kilometers.
For the local tribes, the sacred river, because they drink the water, inhale its steam, cook with this water, wash in it, and even prepared her medication.
Rouzaud published a book dedicated to his "Boiling river: a voyage of discovery of the Amazon". Today he's trying to attract the attention of the scientific community, because the river is on the brink of extinction due to human intervention in nature and need to save as a unique phenomenon.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: masterok.livejournal.com/2791408.html
But recently it was waiting for an amazing discovery in the Amazon jungle, far from active volcanoes, Andres found the river from my grandpa's stories — "Mayantuyacu".
For the first time Andres rouzaud heard about the river Mayantuyacu in her grandfather's stories about the conquistadors, the invaders. The last ruler of the Inca Empire Atahualpa was already caught and killed. But the Spaniard Pizarro and his conquistadors, in spite of already acquired during the conquests of wealth, always felt that they can find more gold. And then the Incas, to revenge the Spaniards, sent Pizarro in the valley of the Amazon, where "you will find the gold you are seeking. There is a city called Paytiti — El Dorado, City of Gold in Spanish — he's all gold".
When he returned the remnants of the detachment Pissarro, they told stories about powerful shamans, warriors with poisoned arrows, trees, such high that they blotted out the sun, spiders that eat birds, snakes that swallow humans whole, and on the river which was in full swing.
25 meters wide and 6 meters deep. The average water temperature reaches 90 °C, enough to brew some tea. And in some areas the temperature exceeds 100 °C.
"If you immerse your hand in water you will get third-degree burns less than half a second. But immersion in water will kill you in a moment", says rouzaud.
Animals that fall in water are boiled alive — too hot. They lose power, lose power, until one moment the water hits them in the mouth and then they are cooked on the inside.
During the research it became clear that the river starts cold. Then heated, cooled, heated again, cooled again heated, then cooled at the bend until it is cold. Its highest temperature it retains for 6.24 miles. The nearest volcano is about 700 kilometers.
For the local tribes, the sacred river, because they drink the water, inhale its steam, cook with this water, wash in it, and even prepared her medication.
Rouzaud published a book dedicated to his "Boiling river: a voyage of discovery of the Amazon". Today he's trying to attract the attention of the scientific community, because the river is on the brink of extinction due to human intervention in nature and need to save as a unique phenomenon.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: masterok.livejournal.com/2791408.html
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