Dangerous Flowers

In the world there are safe to look at and very beautiful plants, which can not only ruin your vacation in an exotic country, for example, but even cause irreparable harm. Here's a list of the most attractive, but no less dangerous flowers in the world: 7. Daphne (daphne) 12,435,165
Also known as the laurel wreath lady or heavenly plant daphne - is a shrub about 1-1.5 meters high, which is often grown because of its beautiful and fragrant flowers. But all parts of this plant are poisonous, but the strongest concentration of the poison found in the juice and berries.
Daphne mezerin and dafnin contains two powerful toxin that causes abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea, delirium and convulsions. If Daphne berries fall into the stomach, depending on the sensitivity and the amount a person can fall into a coma or even die. 6. Landysh

Just as daphne, lily of the valley may look nice and harmless, but it is also very poisonous. Of course, one or two of the bell-shaped flowers of the plant will not cause serious harm, especially for adults. But getting lily of the valley in the body in large amounts, it can cause pain in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. People with heart disease should be especially careful, because the toxins contained in the lily of the valley, slowed heartbeat and cause arrhythmia. 5. Belladonna

Known as one of the most poisonous plants in the Western Hemisphere, Belladonna contains potentially deadly alkaloid called tropanes. All components of the plant harmful, but its beautiful berries are the most dangerous, especially for children. Symptoms of belladonna poisoning or nightshade poisoning appear dilated pupils, blurred vision, headaches, hallucinations, delirium and convulsions. Atropine, a toxin that is contained in belladonna, can be fatal to humans, as it blocks the ability of the nervous system to monitor the regulation of breathing, sweating causes severe and can trigger cardiac arrest. 4. Brugmansiya

This plant lives up to its strange name and encompasses something really sinister. Toxins that contains Brugmansia can be fatal to humans and many animals. Known as a strong hallucinogen Brugmansia can not be used as a drug, as the risk of overdose is very high. Brugmansia plants contain varying amounts of tropanov alkaloids such as atropine and scopolamine. It is known that the plant is used in shamanic rituals tribes of western Amazonia. 3. Rododendron

This popular evergreen shrub that grows big beautiful flowers, has been known since ancient times that it is very poisonous. Xenophon in his chronicles mentioned improper behavior of a group of Greek soldiers who ate the honey collected by bees from the flowers of rhododendron. Rhododendron contains grayanotoxin that causes nausea, severe pain, paralysis and even death. Azaleas, from the same family of plants as poisonous. 2. Oleandr

Oleander is known as one of the most poisonous plants in the world; the flower is notorious in southern India, where it is used as a murder weapon for many centuries. Many toxic substances contained in the oleander, including oleandrin neriin and affect the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems, at the same time. Oleander poisoning expressed in drowsiness, cramps, numbness. It is likely to be fatal. Sap causes skin irritation and severe inflammation of the orbit in case of eye ... 1. Krokus

Autumn crocus or saffron - is one of the most poisonous plants in the world, the dangerous effects of which most people are exposed. Crocus contains colchicine, a deadly substance that is used in the correct dosages for medical purposes. Unlike other toxins, which are found in plants, colchicine has no antidote. Crocus poisoning leads to a critical reduction in blood pressure and heart failure.
Source: wtfact.ru/?p=347