The appearance of wrinkles

for wrinkles is no certain age. Sometimes they come back in a very young age. What is the reason?

Most often it is - a variety of habits that contribute to frequent reduction of facial muscles. Frowning, schurite eyes, you have a special way of laughing: all this affects the formation of facial wrinkles. Many people in laughter there is a sharp reduction of facial muscles, forming folds which diverge like a fan across the front oblasti.

Early appearance of wrinkles can be caused by incorrect position of the head during sleep. Some people used to sleep on the large high pillows, as a result, during sleep slopes head on his chest, contributing to the formation of the neck and chin morschin.

The transfer of many chronic and infectious diseases, pathology of the nervous and endocrine systems, female, gastrointestinal and other diseases also contribute to the weakening of the overall resistance of the organism, reducing the elasticity of the skin and as a result the appearance of wrinkles. Many girls with beautiful skin begin to abuse the constant washing and dusting litsa.

But you must know that the constant application of powder dries the skin, contributing to the emergence of wrinkles. People are profoundly mistaken thinking that fight wrinkles should be only after they are formed, and in fact actually prevent the appearance of wrinkles, much easier than to look for methods to get rid of them.
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=502