10 Unusual Gadgets

«Silencer" keyboard, a bikini with a rechargeable smart phone, scissors with laser sight and other amazing modern tools Despite the fact that many of these devices is difficult to imagine as an object of daily use Nevertheless, most of them are actually find a use in any home. Forbes magazine has selected ten modern gadgets that can be really useful for the user. Silencer klaviatury

The noise level - an important sanitary norm, so noise reduction of stationary computers and their peripherals - a problem not only in the struggle for the psychological comfort of the user. Especially in the "public offices", where many joint clatter of keyboards makes its undoubted contribution. Will play a few decibels, for example, the chiclet keyboard: it is conveniently rolled up, very quiet and tight. But to work with it requires a certain skill. For those who do not want to give up the good old "keys", there are sound-absorbing cushion "breathable" material, which not only dampen the sound, but also protect the keyboard from dust and moisture while retaining heat. It is recommended to use a laptop keyboard c in dusty conditions. Flying budilnik

Waking up on an alarm clock always stressful, and less than his, the person feels better themselves during the day. One way to reduce the stress of awakening - Adding to the reveille game element. For example, the pursuit of an alarm clock. Flying Service consists of two parts. At the bottom of the clock are located, and the upper part of the instrument is equipped with a propeller. At the moment when the alarm that "the helicopter" takes off, and to turn off the alarm, you need to get up, catch it and put it back into the slot of the stationary part. Charger solar batareyah

Threefold Charger KIWI U-Powered Solar & USB Portable charger when folded resembles mobilnik- "book", and unfolded the ability to feed through the USB port smartphone, tablet or device for reading electronic books. Other Charger Solar recalls mat folds into a neat roll (available in different sizes). And some very bold inventors go even further and manage such "pads" to sew something useful - as, for example, American designer Andrew Schneider, created bikini charging portable electronic devices. However, swimming in a bikini is not recommended, and about other possible side-effects were reported. Leaping fotoapparat

"Jumps" camera SatuGo (See, Aim, Throw, captUre and Go - «see aim, throw, grab, and go") - digital camera in robust and very elastic container. It is still called "photo-grenade": the descent of the camera is in the form of a ring, for which you need to pull, and then drop the camera much like. In flight, the camera takes a series of pictures that are stored on the internal memory. Already in the first month after the presentation of the prototype, the inventors have received over four thousand applications from potential buyers. But venture capital funds were denied funding, arguing that the gadget "outdated at the time of manufacture of the prototype." Indeed, 3-megapixel camera for the new 2006 - not very serious to the stated price. But now the camera first and only small series sometimes pop up at auction - and is much more expensive. USB-perchatki

It so happens that, when a long time knocking on the keys, and the room is cool, the hand begins to freeze tangible, that is not the best way affects the speed and quality of work. Actually, the solution to this problem - electrically heated clothing - was invented for another thirty years ago Antarctic expeditions. There's been the batteries here - USB-connector. There are gloves with cut fingers, gloves, mittens, combined with soft "top." Power is supplied separately on each glove, and the temperature is regulated separately for each hand. Maximum temperature - 50 ° C. Virtual Laser klaviatura

This year on the market a new class of input devices - keyboard, laser projection of high-definition images for connection to smartphones and tablets. Connection is via USB, Bluetooth or more morally outdated, but still workable IR. It is assumed that with a laser on a smooth surface (e.g., table) is projected to the standard keyboard keys distance between centers of 19 mm. Recognizes the finger movement sensor recognizes 350 "clicks" per minute. Flexible drum ustanovka

This - a child's toy and a musician - nostalgia for the 1980s: The return of "drum machines" and "rhythm and computers", which can be programmed rhythms what you want what you want sounds. It is a plug-in to a computer, laptop or tablet via USB plastic mat, measuring about 30 by 20 cm, with six dedicated zones (six different drum), which can knock conventional drumsticks. The software provides audio playback of 50 varieties of drums, each of which is offered at two or three varieties of tone depending on the strength and speed of the impact, with the possibility of editing. Valid rates - from 40 to 208 beats per minute. Scissors with laser pritselom

Ordinary scissors with a blade length of 9 cm, but the handle is integrated laser sight. Weight - 102 grams. Power supply - two flat batteries LR44. The laser is turned On, then the beam length of 21 cm using two vernier aligned with the blade, followed by laser cutting accurately "track". Plus Gadget - high precision when cutting line can not be applied to the material (originally intended laser scissors barbers). Minus - small size of the cut. Pen-otsifrator

On the surface this is a common ballpoint pen (rods provided), but inside it - e-filling allows you to connect to the base sensor with built-in memory, which is a clothespin, able to hold up to 10 sheets of A4 paper. Pen drawing on paper, its motion reads infrared and ultrasonic sensors base; all digitized and saved as a file notes * .wpi, which can be exported to a laptop or desktop in graphical formats for further processing. The pen works only in one layer, but the base is provided with an indication (note number, battery charge), and software have handwriting recognizer, including the Russian. Communication with the computer via Bluetooth. Microscope-nasadka

60-fold microscope mounted on a special protective cover (included) that fits over the iPhone over the camera lens. The microscope consists of the magnifying unit and special mikroosvetitelya, which is powered by three LR1130-flat batteries and has three LEDs: two - the usual "white" light, the third - the ultraviolet. Originally created for microscope control bills, but over time has become a convenient tool for microphotography. Weighing device '18
Source: www.forbes.ru/stil-zhizni-slideshow/pokupki/112431-10-neobychnyh-gadzhetov-kotorye-mogut-byt-deistvitelno-poleznym