Case of the red soles

famous French manufacturer of unique and very expensive shoes Christian Louboutin won in court the exclusive right to the red soles. Thus, contrasting red soles have become a hallmark of exclusive Christian Louboutin. The court allowed the main rival Christian Louboutin, which is the Yves Saint Laurent, to produce shoes with red soles, but only on condition that the top of the shoe is too krasnym.

The court decided that the color can be equated to trade marks, in the case where the color is associated with a certain brand. Shoes by Christian Louboutin is very popular all over the world. However, a couple of "labutenov" as called by Louboutin shoes in Russia, not everyone can afford. The cheapest shoes by Christian Louboutin are not less than $ 600, the price of some exclusive pair of shoes comes to $ 4,000.
Source: mirfactov.com/