Horse Road

The Bavarian Forest National Park, which was opened in south-east Germany, in the federal state of Bavaria, in 1970, is the longest road in the world of horse called Baumvipfelpfad (it. Baumwipfelpfad) .

In the southeast of Germany, in the federal state of Bavaria, in 1970 it opened the first national park in Germany - National Park "Bavarian Forest". In 1997, the area of the park has been increased to 243 square meters. km.

Together with the National Park "Sumava" (Bohemian Forest), "the Bavarian Forest" form the largest integrated forest conservation zone in Central Europe. Principles of the Philosophy of the national park says "Leave nature alone," and the situation is steadily soblyudaetsya.

This is where nature can develop according to its eternal laws freely than anywhere else in Europe. National Park is always glad to visitors and invites them to observe the interesting process of development of virgin forest from close range. Here you can take a journey through the unspoiled landscape of mountains of medium height, 95% covered with lesom.

From mountain peaks grand panorama of seemingly endless forests in the Bavarian-Bohemian border. In addition to the forest in the national park can be found mysterious peat bogs, clear mountain streams and Lake Rahelzee (Rachelsee) - the only lake of glacial origin in zapovednike.

In the German Bavarian Forest National Park is the world's longest road riding "Baumvipfelpfad" (it. Baumwipfelpfad). It stretches for 1, 3 km among the mixed forest at a height of 8 to 25 m. The most remarkable part of it is a 44-meter high observation tower ovoid, made of wood and stali.

From the top of buildings with amazing views at 360 degrees - the scenic woodlands, streams, mountains Rachel and Lucena. Beauty!

For severe continental climate of the national park characterized by long snowy winters, during which fluctuations in weather conditions and temperatures are caused by another and the difference heights in the reserve (from 600 to 1453 m). Under the influence of the harsh climate and formed a characteristic fauna of the region to the national parka.

In addition to the eagle owl, Ural Owl and crow nests which reappeared in the national park, the fauna of the Reserve includes the otter, the capercaillie, hazel grouse, pygmy owl and three-toed dyatla.

Throughout the National Park are more than 300 km of well-marked hiking and 200 km of cycling and 80 km of ski trails, year round familiarize visitors of the national park with its natural krasotami.

The list of information services also includes numerous data centers, where you can both learn interesting information or just relax, for example, the Information Centre "Hans-Eisenman House" near Noyshenau in which open a small botanical garden, rock garden, and are enclosures with local zhivotnymi.

Various themed routes lies between forests and rocks, as well as a special route, znakomyaschimy visitors with the history of the forest, provide an excellent opportunity to see the sights of national parka.

The administration of the National Park "Bavarian Forest" offers an extensive list of free thematic tours. From Christmas until the beginning of November during the whole year in the park every day offers a variety of excursions depending on the season, including trips for families with children and for detey.

Forest playground and route information, forest youth hostel and a unique forest camp at the Falkenstein rock delivered to children and young people enjoy and get to know their wildlife Bavarian lesa.

Source: masterok.livejournal.com/611007.html