Hunting chameleon

it must be very frustrating when your dinner is in the zone of reach, however, for a chameleon - it is utter nonsense.

During regular hunting chameleon deftly used his very fast and just as long tongue, the length of which is twice the length of its body. This miracle is able to grasp the language of sacrifice just a fraction of sekundy.

These amazing photos clearly seen extraordinary hunting chameleon on an unsuspecting cricket. Creepy, clinging to a thin blade of grass, enough sacrifice their sticky yazykom.

This series of pictures was able to make the 39-year-old photographer from Indonesia sikha Guohua (Shikhei Goh). - I was walking across the field on the island of Batam (Batam Island) in Indonesia, and suddenly noticed this magnificent and colorful chameleon - says sikha - he just waited, sitting on a thin travinke.

"Chameleon noticed that on the next blade of grass got cricket. And suddenly the lizard suddenly "shot" his unique language with extraordinary speed. All this happened in a moment, but in order to make these pictures took me about 40 minutes, "- said sikha Gohu.

"After eating, chameleon walked down the blade of grass and went, as if nothing had happened on about their business. It was an incredible sight. Very precise and rapid movement. I really enjoyed watching as a "working" nature ", - he told sikha Guohua.
Source: mirfactov.com/