The girl was considered a witch
girl born with a very rare disease, was forced to hide from the people and be an outcast all nine years of his life, because the neighbors called her a monster and vedmoy.
My father told how his daughter to avoid the company of other children, because she was born with a rare disease, because of which the left half of her face was covered with thick black hair. Superstitious villagers called Bhavani Tami, who is now nine years old, "the monster." The reason was her rare disease. And because of his village, which is located in the district Dolagha, 345 kilometers from Kathmandu, Nepal, the girl barely walk.
The hair is not her face grew due to a rare disease that is not treated promptly can become cancerous. However, the villagers explained that her parents could not. Without exception, all the villagers were convinced that a child with such a person, or a witch, or even for a generation of evil. Village Council has decided to isolate the family from society, after which they were deported to the boundaries of the settlement. Trying to protect her daughter's father, whose name Kaluman, did not allow her daughter to look in the mirror, but once in the village turned out to be a journalist who photographed the girl, and then showed her the photos, leaving eight children experienced terrible disgust, fear and shock.
Bhavana recently underwent plastic surgery, which gives hope for her and her father that they will again be able to return to normal life. The first operation was conducted in Kathmandu with the support of Help for children in Nepal last year.
A year later, the girl made a second operation, which resulted in the hair out of her face had been completely removed. However, the girl has to be at least one operation that surgeons will conduct after Bhavan was 14 years old.
After the girl underwent surgery, the villagers took back to her and her father, and now she is playing with the other children. Bhavani Life changes every day since its first operation. Currently, she is already attending school and leading the same life as all the children in her derevne.
Source: fedpost.ru/neformat/42199-devochku-sochli-vedmoj-i-izgnali-vmeste-s-semej-iz-derevni.html