Things that do not mind the charge

devices, ideas and inventions that have energy to spare. 1. The heat of our tel.

David Carroll, a physicist at the University of Wake Forest, has developed a fabric that can serve as a charger. The basic principle is to convert the difference in temperature of different parts of its surface energy. According to the observations of the inventor, in the pocket of his pants, made of this fabric, the phone is charged in 8 hours by 10-15%. 2. Cradle Nyutona.

The pendulum of Newton, a popular souvenir in our days, shows the transfer of energy from one state to another. And if not the frictional force and elasticity of the metal balls would be infinite. By the way, selling the opening physics invented in 1967 by English actor Simon Prebble. 3. Telephone bessonnitsa.

At the beginning of the year I saw the light smartphone Highscreen Boost - dvuhsimochny machine to Android 4.1. The device "was awarded" capacious battery to 4160 mAh, which made him the first in Russia smartphone that can survive 7 days of active use without recharging. Battery capacity in other models, as a rule, does not exceed 2 000-2 500 mAh (1-2 work days). Long Highscreen Boost also received a dual-core processor, large screen and 1GB of RAM. 4. Solar pitanie.

This kind of energy in recent years actively exploring. One result can be considered the installation of traffic lights in the cities, working on solar panels. In clear weather, the device stores energy, and in the dark works by accumulation. And no wires weighting cityscape. 5. Wind lavochka.

Interesting concept of street benches came up with industrial designer Hirotaka Matsui. Its vertical windmill Savannius not just a source of energy, but also a park bench. As planned by the inventor of the device must be equipped with outlets for charging mobile gadgets.
Source: mirfactov.com/