Son of a giraffe

Among all mammals giraffes one of the smallest needs in a dream - from ten minutes to two hours a day; average giraffes sleep 1, 9 hours den.

As night giraffes often wake up, the duration of deep sleep in their sum does not exceed 20 minutes. Therefore, to have a rest, they are still dozing dnem.

Giraffes sleep at night, lying down, bending your neck so that you can put your head on the lower part of the rear limb. By the way, they are placed to sleep very quickly - within 15-20 seconds. The process of laying down as follows: first giraffe falls on his chest, and then to zhivot.

Happy giraffe almost always in an upright position. Therefore, he also fills up standing with eyes closed. In order not to fall, giraffe sometimes puts his head between the two branches, which support it (I would like to look at it). Although he often manages without such support. Strong neck muscles help the giraffe, without straining to remain in an upright polozhenii.

Curiously, natural sleeping posture giraffe was never well documented until the 1970s, when the first pictures of a sleeping giraffe nature received Bernhard Grzhimek.

Source: goodnewsanimal.ru/news/kak_spit_zhiraf/2013-06-03-3353