The girl suffered burns

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 in the last year was the most scandalous flagship, which too often explode and cause harm to their owners, and the solid material damage. In the latest incident affected the young 18-year-old Swiss Shlyatter Fanny (Fanny Schlatter), which are not lucky enough to buy Korean superfon.

Without apparent reason model Samsung Galaxy S3 spontaneously exploded right in the pants pocket of a young girl, and then there was a fire. The flames were so intense that his tongue raised to shoulder level. The story could have ended sad, but came to the rescue chief Fanny, who did not panic and rapid movement cut pocket and smartphone broke loose, ceasing to harm his hozyayke.

However, a few seconds was enough to stay on his hip girls third-degree burns. The victim had to take a vacation until mid-August to recover from injury and to file a complaint against Samsung. Recall the last such incident with Galaxy S3 took place two months ago, when the smartphone was kindled at night, when standing on the charging and burned pillows on the couch. Take care of yourself!
Source: www.mobiledevice.ru/galaxy-s3-fanny-schlatter-samsung-smartfon-vzriv-vozgoranie.aspx