In the jungles of Vietnam
In the jungle in the central part of Vietnam found a father and son who have lived in isolation from civilization, 40, said on Thursday the Vietnamese edition Tuoi Tre.
82-year-old Ho Van Thanh and his 42-year-old son Ho Van Lang were accidentally discovered one of the residents of nearby villages. They talked about the find to local authorities, which have equipped a special squad to look for unusual inhabitants dzhungley.
After five hours of searching the team found a small hut. On the father and son were only loincloths made from the bark of the tree. Despite the long isolation from society, both could communicate in a Vietnamese dialect. It was found that once the Ho Van Thanh was living a normal life with his family in one of the villages. In 1973., Before the end of the Vietnam War, he was missing. Then their house was destroyed by air attack, and his whole family died. In survived only a year-old son, whose father took with him, having decided to take refuge in dzhunglyah.
For 40 years, the men ate fruits and herbs. Local authorities, after the required medical measures are going to return to the family of civilized life.
Source: top.rbc.ru/incidents/08/08/2013/869445.shtml