Rain of black birds
Environmental Services and animal welfare advocates are trying to figure out what could have killed hundreds of birds that have fallen from the sky on the people of Winnipeg, Kanada.
Inspectors Environmental Service picked up on the street more than 50 dead birds, 11 more, who were still alive, gave custody of the local Society for Animal Health. Its director Eric Ansevyu (Erika Anseeuw) told reporters CBC News, that all surviving birds behave quite active, but can not stand up and fly. However, these birds are euthanized and sent to a pathology lab for an autopsy.
Ansevyu not yet expressed any version of what could be the likely cause of death of birds. But the defender of animals suspected that they were in conditions unfit for life. "I do not want to heat the excitement, especially among fans of mysticism and apocalyptic prophecies related to birds falling from the sky. Perhaps they have influenced some external factors in the form of toxins, as they could be subject to some kind of disease, "- said Eric Ansevyu.
Eyewitnesses unusual phenomenon told reporters that in the early morning hundreds of black birds, similar quiscalus suddenly began to crumble right under the feet of passers. Birds got stuck in the branches of trees fell on the roof of the bus. "The trees seemed to me, were about a thousand birds. One fell right next to me, "- he says a local resident Tanya Lee Viner.Syuzan Tiganagis who works as a shop, said that in their entire lane pavement as if covered with a black blanket. "My husband said that he is reminiscent of a Hitchcock film. It looked just crazy! I even dizzy, "- shared his impressions of Mrs. Tiganagis.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43450-na-golovy-proxozhim-prolilsya-dozhd-iz-chernyx-ptic.html