11-year-old prodigy

11-year-old boy became the youngest student in the history of Texas Christian University (Texas Christian University). Despite his age, an American student on a par with sokursnikami.

According to the parents of 11-year-old prodigy Carson Huey-Yu (Carson Huey-You), their son showed extraordinary mental abilities at the age of 2 years. "Little Carson read whole chapters from books. A year later, when his son reached the age of three, he began to multiply and divide numbers, "- says the boy's mother Klaretta (Claretta).

In 5 years, Carson went to school, and teachers became clear that his training is completed much earlier than its peers. Their expectations were met - a 10-year-old Yu-Hui graduated from high (senior) school. And here in front of the parents ahead of time Carson got a serious question - in which the educational institution of their son to continue their education. "We understand that our child has a brilliant intellect, but did not want him to hurry with admission to college or university, - says the father of a young child genius Andre (Andre). - In order not to put pressure on Carson, we asked him to make their own decisions, and he chose to study at Texas Christian University. "

However, with the arrival of a higher education institution from a small problem prodigy. "Because of Carson's birth date we have not been able to complete the necessary forms," - with a smile says dean of admissions and student affairs Ray Brown (Ray Brown).

Once all the formalities were settled, the newly launched student to learn. As the website Daily News, young American did not lose face - he learns along with their classmates. "The University is very interesting. It is as simple as a school, but the campus is more spacious and more people. I've made friends with a few guys, "- says 11-year-old student, performing" Ode to Joy "by Beethoven.

Hobbies Carson are the same as most boys his age, he loves to play on the console and watching "Star Wars." But his plans are very different from the aspirations of their peers as a child prodigy is hoping to get a doctorate before his 20th birthday.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/43613-11-letnij-vunderkind-stal-samym-molodym-studentom.html