Tourist missing in the mountains
Scientists have discovered a tourist, disappeared in the mountains four months ago. Depletion of 58-year-old man managed to survive thanks to the rats, and the remnants of raisins that made it ratsion.
In May of 2013. Uruguayan Raul Fernando Gomez (Raul Fernando Gomez) decided to get from Chile to Argentina through the Andes. First, 58-year-old man was traveling on a motorcycle, but then his vehicle broke down and he was forced to continue their journey on foot.
During the campaign Gomez caught a snowstorm, so that he strayed from the planned route and got lost. After the disappearance of Uruguayan rescuers tried to locate him, but after 2 months stopped the search because of the severe weather usloviy.
Family and friends of Raoul did not hope to see him alive, but the Argentine scientists have been able to make a real miracle - they accidentally found the missing tourist.
As reports Daily Mail, a group of geologists to measure the level of snow at an altitude of 9318 feet (2840 meters) above sea level, when she noticed a man exhausted fed signs with his hands.
Scientists have taken the traveler to the hospital, where he told how he managed to survive. It turns out that a lost Uruguayan found refuge, which spent 4 mesyatsa.
All this time the 58-year-old Gomez ate the remains of sugar, raisins and rats, because of what has lost 20 kilograms. The doctor who examined Raul, was surprised by the endurance of the patient and how quickly vital signs have stabilized his body.
"He has high blood pressure, signs of malnutrition, and besides, he smokes, - says the expert. - But after a few days the patient is completely back to normal, and we will be able to write it. " Governor of San Juan, located in the west of Argentina, allowed the mother, the wife and daughters to visit Gomez and then shared his impressions of the incident with local journalists: "The truth is that it is a real miracle that so hard to believe. After he (Raul) to visit relatives, I asked him if he believed in God. Previously, no, he said, and now I believe. "
This story reminded the media about a plane crash in 1972, the year in which were members of the Uruguayan rugby team. Their plane crashed in a remote area of the Andes, and the 16 survivors in the accident, passengers had to eat the corpses of the victims.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43685-uchenye-sluchajno-nashli-turista-propavshego-v-gorax-4.html