Lost your nose

Vosmidesyatitrehletny Dorset resident Cyril Osment (Cyril Osment) lost his nose, when he went to the dentist. Because skin cancer Cyril lost his nose and had to wear a prosthesis, which he lishilsya.

The diagnosis of "skin cancer" Cyril put last fall. Fortunately, the surgery he underwent in a timely manner, but with the nose had to say goodbye. The other day, a pensioner went to the dentist and noticed that he had lost his nose, but when he returned domoy.

"When I got home and glanced in the mirror, I realized that I lost the nose. I hope somebody will find it and return to me. This will be just fine, - says Cyril. - Now I go with a bandage on his face, and people are always asking what happened to my nose. Because of this, they are uncomfortable to go out ».

The new nose is worth fifteen hundred pounds, and Cyril is ready in a pinch to make another prosthesis, "I hope I can afford it. I think the point is that previous prosthesis is something wrong with the magnets. "
Source: pixanews.com/medicina-i-anomalii/pensioner-poteryal-svoj-nos.html