Own "sun"

Current October marked a significant event for the residents of the Norwegian town of Rjukan, located in a rather deep gorge. There was established the world's second giant zerkalo.

The question is, why should it be installed? Imagine that you live in a city where the sun shines only 5-6 months a year! This is not fiction and not a script of the sci-fi movie, but the real harsh reality. This situation is typical for many residents of northern cities, in particular, and for the Norwegian town Ryukan.

Recently, on the hillside were installed combined total area of the mirror reflection of more than 600 square meters. Heliostats, controlled by computer, will change the angle of reflection for the maximum reflection of solar sveta.

If the Norwegians this experience in wonder, then in the world it is the second case. Seven years ago, more precisely on December 17, 2006, in the Italian town viganella appeared sunny svet.

For the realization of the project have been allocated money to local authorities Rjukan. In general, the project cost about 5 million NOK. But now computer-controlled setting allows the light to please 192 local residents from November to February. Previously, this was impossible because of the terrain.
Source: mirfactov.com/