Moscow ghetto. Biryulyovo (14 photos)
In response to recent events, the district Biryulyovo is now almost the most discussed place in Moscow and throughout the country - here flock to a variety of officials and the media are writing about it. Today we will tell you why this area was formerly in the shadows and now bears the name of "Moscow ghetto" Advertising film with symbolic title "Resident Evil" in East Biryulyovo.
The area was originally settled by ordinary workers ZIL plant and other enterprises. In addition, it was partially settled the so-called "limit" - people from provincial towns, in Soviet times attracted to Moscow in the labor force at large industrial enterprises.
Biryulyovo cut off from the rest of Moscow's Paveletskaya railway tracks and the Kursk railway station. There are only 2 out of the area: in the Moscow and Warsaw highway. Relatively recently it opened opened leaving - across the street Podolsk cadets. On the map is highlighted in gray scale Biruliovsky industrial zone.
From biryulyovo vostochnoye district in Biryulyovo Zapadnoye District have to go through Moscow. Despite the presence of a puncture under the railway (which separates and districts), the authorities refuse to use it for the passage of transport.
After closing the ZIL and other large enterprises, employing the vast majority of the inhabitants, the locals have remained "with nothing" as nothing but a state of the machine, do not actually know how. Someone redeveloped and found a job, who had the financial possibility he left the area. A large part of the general atmosphere of trouble just drank themselves. Gradually, the apartment is released, the number of checked-housing grew, but since the area is far from the most prestigious and comfortable accommodation, the "respectable" tenants had no easy solution. Gradually I began to grow in the area of crime, and he gained fame in Moscow "ghetto».
Last living in Biryulyovo wooden house surrounded by overgrown fruit and vegetable base. It did not frighten resident arson, dangerous neighbors, and a terrible environment. The peculiar character of disobedience.
Local restaurant.
In 90 years in the industrial area located in close proximity to Biryulyovo opened Pokrovsky market and fruit and vegetable base. As you know, the market and the base next to the residential area - it is a source of increased concentration is not very respectable population.
Local authorities have long received from residents Biryuleva numerous complaints about the dominance of illegal migrants and tightly parked at the side of the streets, "a gazelle." More than 5 years of the initiative group biryulevtsev organize rallies, asked to organize a night police patrols went to the program Andrei Malakhov, but all to no avail. Officials complaints diplomatically replied: "Intercession fruit and vegetable base is a strategic subject of food security in Moscow, so it can not be transferred." All this aggravates the crime situation in the district.
The only opportunity to see what is happening in this market, given satellite images from Google or a review from the roof of a nearby house. The market is huge cooling towers between the CHP and incinerators. As estimated by experts, daily "Pokrovka" products sold at $ 20-40 million, or about $ 9 billion a year. Through the "Pokrovka" passes 60% of fruit and vegetables sold in the Moscow region. Provide job market nearly a thousand people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, who prefer to settle in the area nearby houses Biryulyovo West.
. Recently, co-owner of the Intercession vegetable base, a confidant of Vladimir Putin, Talboev Mohammed said: "We feed Muscovites fresh products, all for the sake of doing them. If someone wants it all to close, it must be taken into account: the collapse would happen - and people will remain hungry stomachs. But I'm not allowed to do. I have enough forces and resources. Blame the police and local authorities. They are corrupt, and because of their corruption of the law is not met. And I have to ovoschebazah order "Admittedly, in these words there is truth. In the case of the closure of the market, the remaining two bases simply will not cope with the volumes of fruit and vegetables, and then the consequences of the pogrom in Biryulyovo all soon see on the price tags in shops of the capital.
Few exponential statistics - despite the best efforts of law enforcement agencies, of which we regularly report the federal television channels, the level of serious crimes in the capital remains extremely high - a week committed about 10 murders. For comparison, in the densely populated New York City (with all its ethnic and national diversity) over the past week, for example, there were no murders. At the same time, according to the Interior Ministry, including Moscow committed crimes on the share of foreign nationals account for no more than 18-20%. That is an average of five out of six crimes committed by Russians. As for the situation with Biryulyovo, it becomes apparent that if about a crime committed here every day knew only a narrow circle of persons, that of the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov spontaneously and quickly learned the whole area, and it immediately received the status of "ethnicity". But on the other hand, maybe people just remembered all the problems, all their grievances, which previously refused to hear the state, and which is not limited to the question of coexistence of the local population with migrants.
Source: ihoraksjuta.livejournal.com

The area was originally settled by ordinary workers ZIL plant and other enterprises. In addition, it was partially settled the so-called "limit" - people from provincial towns, in Soviet times attracted to Moscow in the labor force at large industrial enterprises.

Biryulyovo cut off from the rest of Moscow's Paveletskaya railway tracks and the Kursk railway station. There are only 2 out of the area: in the Moscow and Warsaw highway. Relatively recently it opened opened leaving - across the street Podolsk cadets. On the map is highlighted in gray scale Biruliovsky industrial zone.

From biryulyovo vostochnoye district in Biryulyovo Zapadnoye District have to go through Moscow. Despite the presence of a puncture under the railway (which separates and districts), the authorities refuse to use it for the passage of transport.

After closing the ZIL and other large enterprises, employing the vast majority of the inhabitants, the locals have remained "with nothing" as nothing but a state of the machine, do not actually know how. Someone redeveloped and found a job, who had the financial possibility he left the area. A large part of the general atmosphere of trouble just drank themselves. Gradually, the apartment is released, the number of checked-housing grew, but since the area is far from the most prestigious and comfortable accommodation, the "respectable" tenants had no easy solution. Gradually I began to grow in the area of crime, and he gained fame in Moscow "ghetto».

Last living in Biryulyovo wooden house surrounded by overgrown fruit and vegetable base. It did not frighten resident arson, dangerous neighbors, and a terrible environment. The peculiar character of disobedience.

Local restaurant.

In 90 years in the industrial area located in close proximity to Biryulyovo opened Pokrovsky market and fruit and vegetable base. As you know, the market and the base next to the residential area - it is a source of increased concentration is not very respectable population.

Local authorities have long received from residents Biryuleva numerous complaints about the dominance of illegal migrants and tightly parked at the side of the streets, "a gazelle." More than 5 years of the initiative group biryulevtsev organize rallies, asked to organize a night police patrols went to the program Andrei Malakhov, but all to no avail. Officials complaints diplomatically replied: "Intercession fruit and vegetable base is a strategic subject of food security in Moscow, so it can not be transferred." All this aggravates the crime situation in the district.

The only opportunity to see what is happening in this market, given satellite images from Google or a review from the roof of a nearby house. The market is huge cooling towers between the CHP and incinerators. As estimated by experts, daily "Pokrovka" products sold at $ 20-40 million, or about $ 9 billion a year. Through the "Pokrovka" passes 60% of fruit and vegetables sold in the Moscow region. Provide job market nearly a thousand people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, who prefer to settle in the area nearby houses Biryulyovo West.

. Recently, co-owner of the Intercession vegetable base, a confidant of Vladimir Putin, Talboev Mohammed said: "We feed Muscovites fresh products, all for the sake of doing them. If someone wants it all to close, it must be taken into account: the collapse would happen - and people will remain hungry stomachs. But I'm not allowed to do. I have enough forces and resources. Blame the police and local authorities. They are corrupt, and because of their corruption of the law is not met. And I have to ovoschebazah order "Admittedly, in these words there is truth. In the case of the closure of the market, the remaining two bases simply will not cope with the volumes of fruit and vegetables, and then the consequences of the pogrom in Biryulyovo all soon see on the price tags in shops of the capital.

Few exponential statistics - despite the best efforts of law enforcement agencies, of which we regularly report the federal television channels, the level of serious crimes in the capital remains extremely high - a week committed about 10 murders. For comparison, in the densely populated New York City (with all its ethnic and national diversity) over the past week, for example, there were no murders. At the same time, according to the Interior Ministry, including Moscow committed crimes on the share of foreign nationals account for no more than 18-20%. That is an average of five out of six crimes committed by Russians. As for the situation with Biryulyovo, it becomes apparent that if about a crime committed here every day knew only a narrow circle of persons, that of the murder of Yegor Shcherbakov spontaneously and quickly learned the whole area, and it immediately received the status of "ethnicity". But on the other hand, maybe people just remembered all the problems, all their grievances, which previously refused to hear the state, and which is not limited to the question of coexistence of the local population with migrants.

Source: ihoraksjuta.livejournal.com