Harvest Festival beer Dozhinki in Moscow
Few people know that in the Czech Republic there is a harvest festival Dozhinki. In the village of Velke Popovice - home to the famous beer Velkopopovický Kozel Dozhinki celebrate in their own way - as a holiday beer harvest. On beer Dozhinki decided to cook a lot of beer and to treat all of your friends, guessing riddles, guess on the beer foam and arrange celebrations and of course drive character of the beer crop goat Olden in the brewery, a tavern in the house of friends, that in all it was abundance and wealth .
This year Velkopopovický Kozel first brought holiday beer harvest Dozhinki to Moscow on the same day the neighborhood of VVC and Botanical Garden turned into a Czech village, and everyone could join the holiday to get acquainted with the traditions of celebration and learn about new beers Velkopopovitsky Kozel - honey taste!

This year Velkopopovický Kozel first brought holiday beer harvest Dozhinki to Moscow on the same day the neighborhood of VVC and Botanical Garden turned into a Czech village, and everyone could join the holiday to get acquainted with the traditions of celebration and learn about new beers Velkopopovitsky Kozel - honey taste!