Not a single chocolate. Carpets of begonias

If we talk about the two neighboring country - Belgium and the Netherlands, the associative array will connect us more with the second country. Tulips, and not only they, quite frequent guests in our flower shops. But with Belgium we soon arise association with chocolate.
However, it turns out, the colors here, too, know a lot about. Every 2 years in mid-August, the central square of Brussels Grand Place is covered with a floral carpet (Brussels Flower Carpet). The festivities begin the evening of 12 August, and the finished carpet appears to visitors and residents of Brussels the next morning and then left the area before the 15th day. This tradition was founded in 1971, but this kind of flower carpets were known in Italy in the XVIII century. Size of the carpet 77h24 meters, used for its creation more than 700,000 flowers begonias. This flower is not chosen by chance: first, they are better than other colors are experiencing the vagaries of weather, and secondly, begonias for Belgium - it's like tulips to Holland, the country is the world's largest producer of begonias. The plot and the composition of the carpet changes every time and kept strictly confidential until the opening. Ideas can be very different - from children's kaleidoscope of images to complex symbolic compositions. In the evenings, floral arrangement is illuminated by searchlights, creating an incredibly beautiful sight. Log in here free, anyone can freely examine and photograph this miracle.

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