Just a few hours ago read an article about the struggle with the sale of liquor to minors. And then, on the way to work, in the square in front of the shopping center fit two cute little girls 15-16 years old, and so quietly asked to buy them poltorashku beer. I'm a light loss, and one stretches money. Tell them - yes without question! I go to the store, take a bottle, put in a dark bag. I went to the little girl, transmits a packet, and I immediately grabbed the hands of good fellows, appeared just like from the ground. Immediately taxis politsioner in shape. & Quot; Let me introduce myself, Senior Lieutenant-so. Only that you have violated article blah blah blah, proydёmte us & quot ;. I say, - & quot; Dear, I did not break anything, just bought the girls kvasku, but their money. I have every right to treat girls refreshing drink & quot; ... Silent scene from & quot; The Inspector & quot; ... in a state of confusion surrounding faces bagroveyut easy on the eyes. Following a whisper, - & quot; divorced mudachya & quot; ...